problem in terminal

problem in terminal
Posted on: 09.05.2011 by Quincy Vucci
can any one tell me what password i need after i type in sudo /opt/local/bin/port install dfu-programmer.i thought that is mine pass.but even when i try to type in anything wont show non.
Quincy Vucci
can any one tell me what password i need after i type in sudo /opt/local/bin/port install dfu-programmer.i thought that is mine pass.but even when i try to type in anything wont show non.
Quincy Vucci
ok thanks one more problem .iw got messageError opening the file.
Something went wrong with creating the memory image.
any idea how to sort dis out ????
Louisa Oberc
It is your user password, and you're right, nothing does show when you type it in...

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