Small Red Buttons

Small Red Buttons
Posted on: 18.05.2011 by Scott Tumey
To say im a noob would be wrong,

I know a lot about the midi fighter but i suffer from a major case of being totally idiotic.

When i firmly screw in all four screws into the top of the midi fighter, the main 16 buttons are non responsive.

However when unscrewing them slightly ( causing the two small red buttons on the pcb to be free) it works.

This is obviously a problem, and when it hit the arcade buttons too hard the midi fighter just resets with some crazy flowing pattern.

Help appreciated

Harry G
Scott Tumey
To say im a noob would be wrong,

I know a lot about the midi fighter but i suffer from a major case of being totally idiotic.

When i firmly screw in all four screws into the top of the midi fighter, the main 16 buttons are non responsive.

However when unscrewing them slightly ( causing the two small red buttons on the pcb to be free) it works.

This is obviously a problem, and when it hit the arcade buttons too hard the midi fighter just resets with some crazy flowing pattern.

Help appreciated

Harry G
Scott Tumey
il give it a check later. Thanks
Hunter Renslow
Are the spacers on the bottom too short?Maybe get 4 small washers and give it that extra bit of clearance?
Tatum Ansaldo
if you do, be careful and properly desolder them. You don't want to brick it!
Scott Tumey
slightly frustrating scenario i may just hack them off....
Tatum Ansaldo
I believe you might have to get onto sales about that one. Clearly that shouldn't happen! The red buttons are a new addition in the latest batch of midifighters and I guess yours just sit a little too high off the board.

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