boot mode not working

boot mode not working
Posted on: 19.05.2011 by Jestine Stronczek
my MFs boot mode wont work i pressed the button on the back and ten i did the 4 corner arcade button way and nothing happens can someone help me??????
Leeanna Ayla
Originally Posted by GnScruffy
how do i flash it?
Originally Posted by photojojo
What were you planning on doing with it in boot mode?
Originally Posted by GnScruffy
intaling new firmware
Installing new firmware is flashing it.
Leeanna Ayla
Originally Posted by GnScruffy
how do i flash it?
What were you planning on doing with it in boot mode?
Jestine Stronczek
Originally Posted by sidetrakd
Hold the boot button and press reset,(dont let go of boot till it has definitely reset) you may not see anything happen,just try and flash it!
how do i flash it?
Jestine Stronczek
my MFs boot mode wont work i pressed the button on the back and ten i did the 4 corner arcade button way and nothing happens can someone help me??????
Leeanna Ayla
Originally Posted by GnScruffy
how do i flash it?
Originally Posted by photojojo
What were you planning on doing with it in boot mode?
Originally Posted by GnScruffy
intaling new firmware
Installing new firmware is flashing it.
Jestine Stronczek
intaling new firmware
Leeanna Ayla
Originally Posted by GnScruffy
how do i flash it?
What were you planning on doing with it in boot mode?
Hunter Renslow
Maybe try searching the community and find this sticky?

http://www.djranking /
Jestine Stronczek
Originally Posted by sidetrakd
Hold the boot button and press reset,(dont let go of boot till it has definitely reset) you may not see anything happen,just try and flash it!
how do i flash it?
Hunter Renslow
Hold the boot button and press reset,(dont let go of boot till it has definitely reset) you may not see anything happen,just try and flash it!

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