instant gratification mapping help

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instant gratification mapping help
Posted on: 30.04.2011 by Carma Panhorst
I have two midifighters, so is it possible to have one Deck Focused and the other on the I.G mapping?
Ive tried assigning each of my midi's their mapping but it doesnt seem to work in the i doing something wrong?
Carma Panhorst
I have two midifighters, so is it possible to have one Deck Focused and the other on the I.G mapping?
Ive tried assigning each of my midi's their mapping but it doesnt seem to work in the i doing something wrong?
Carma Panhorst
ok, so i use the big import button for the Four Banks Mode, and then the small one for the Deck focused mapping?

EDIT: NVM!? after a month i finally got it! i am really smart -_-
Yee Bedilion

You still need to have the midi fighter plugged in before you start the program correct?

I always forget this when I'm setting up and have to kill traktor and plug it all in.

@ OP

You need to setup fourbank modes for the instant grat. mapping.

You'd also need to use the large import button for one, and the small import button to get the setting set of mappings.

Once you plug all of it in and get it working, remember EXACTLY how you had the usb cables connected cause if you reconnect a different combination then you'll have to reconfig.
Leeanna Ayla
You'll need to set the ports to n/a first then plug one in, set the routing, plug the other in and set the routing. You'll need to do this each time you use them.
robin loo
by assigning you mean yo assigned the IN/OUT ports in the controller mapping section for each MF?

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