How To Assemble the Midi-Fighter DIY Kit

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How To Assemble the Midi-Fighter DIY Kit

Mel Vozella
Small question, why wouldn't you recommend the threaded ones, I understand that it's designed for snap in and that you can't guarantee that the threaded stay putt as good but have there been any problem with them?
Armando Chrystal
i believe that video encouraged me to buy a midi fighter
Berniece Savi
cool thanks! cant wait to get on it!
robert chanda
Pretty easy. The top plate with all the buttons comes off with a little upwards pressure. Rocking the pins out of the clips, slow and steady with controlled pressure does the job.

Look in this group for a post on removing the buttons from the top plate - if you're forcing anything you're doing it wrong, they should easily pop out with finger pressure when you get the side clips properly disengaged.
Berniece Savi
quick question before i put my fighter together. it may or may not be a stupid question but i figured i'd ask those who already have built theirs-

how easy is it to get the buttons and top faceplate off after you assemble it? I want to build an enclosure but really want to start jamming buttons asap! i just don't want to have to go through hell to pop the buttons and the top off and then build the enclosure.

what say you, oh wise ones?

I would not recommend the threaded types- these were designed for the snap in variety.
Dena Khoshnaw
Will the threaded sanwa buttons work aswell?

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