What is Fourbank mode good for?

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What is Fourbank mode good for?
Posted on: 12.07.2011 by Maryalice Zwahlen
Can someone please explain what this whole Fourbank situation is and does?

All I ever read is "you gotta change to internal fourbank mode" but what does it actually do and if that fourbank mode is the solution for half of the problems, why doesnt the midifighter come in internal fourbank mode from the start?

Not hating, just trying to find things out, thanks much!
Ella Rick
Originally Posted by JanuaryOne
and this exactly is what keeps me concerned a bit.
I am in the Audio-MIDI setup and do not find a midifighter. Tried rescanning but it doesnt pick up. however there is a device by the name of "mobile" and another one just "new external device". If the MF is the "new external device then its good, cause it says Port 1, MIDI-in 1, MIDI-out 1....but what is that gonna do?
It should really pick up your fighter, I believe your best bet is to pm
Midifidler he should be able to help you.
Maryalice Zwahlen
Originally Posted by willinfluence
In Traktor(controller manager) have you selected midifighter in the drop downs in-port and out-ports?
YES, of course.
Ella Rick
Originally Posted by JanuaryOne

"...it should be a problem to do" freudian slip hey!?!

thanks, will give that a try right now and see what comes out of it.
Heheh yeah

Cool let me know how you get on
Maryalice Zwahlen
Can someone please explain what this whole Fourbank situation is and does?

All I ever read is "you gotta change to internal fourbank mode" but what does it actually do and if that fourbank mode is the solution for half of the problems, why doesnt the midifighter come in internal fourbank mode from the start?

Not hating, just trying to find things out, thanks much!
Maryalice Zwahlen
thanks guys for your patience and advice!
actually since im using the deckalized + instantgrat mapping with AB focus i have fourbanks mode off. thats right no?

leds do not flicker at any time.

only problem i still have is that a couple of FX just randomly stay on and you have to "release" them buy hitting the same button again. If possible Id love to imply a loop-move function though. Can I just do that to mess up the mapping (hence how do i map a function using "shift" and another button?)?
Adolf Hit
Hi January1,

Glad to see you got the device un bricked.

Are you putting the MF in 4 banks Internal or External mode?

When you are using it do any of the Leds flicker at randomly at all?

I wouldn't worry too much about the device name in audio midi setup, if the Midi Fighter is being seen by Traktor at all that is not a problem.
Ella Rick
Originally Posted by JanuaryOne
and this exactly is what keeps me concerned a bit.
I am in the Audio-MIDI setup and do not find a midifighter. Tried rescanning but it doesnt pick up. however there is a device by the name of "mobile" and another one just "new external device". If the MF is the "new external device then its good, cause it says Port 1, MIDI-in 1, MIDI-out 1....but what is that gonna do?
It should really pick up your fighter, I believe your best bet is to pm
Midifidler he should be able to help you.
Maryalice Zwahlen
and this exactly is what keeps me concerned a bit.
I am in the Audio-MIDI setup and do not find a midifighter. Tried rescanning but it doesnt pick up. however there is a device by the name of "mobile" and another one just "new external device". If the MF is the "new external device then its good, cause it says Port 1, MIDI-in 1, MIDI-out 1....but what is that gonna do?
Ella Rick

Have you gone into audio midi set up, you should find that in the utilities folder found in your applications window on your Mac

Open audio midi set up, there you should be able to find a midifighter icon,
Click on the icon, that should show you midifighter properties

You will see connectors for midifighter
Mine shows midi in 1. Midi out 1

If there is no midifighter icon, I believe that you will have to press the rescan midi icon make sure the midifighter is connected before you click the rescan

Hope this works for you
Maryalice Zwahlen
Originally Posted by willinfluence
In Traktor(controller manager) have you selected midifighter in the drop downs in-port and out-ports?
YES, of course.
Ella Rick
In Traktor(controller manager) have you selected midifighter in the drop downs in-port and out-ports?
Maryalice Zwahlen
Mr midifidler, u totally right, was a stupid mistake. I blame it on my impatience. Got the MF updated successfully now, however nothing has changed, so the same errors and little issues I came across before are still valid (like problems with the loop FX) and FX that just randomly stay on without pressing shift.

The Midi setup ive heard about, bt Im completely clueless what I gotta do there. Can you tell me how to set that up manually. Im used to macs automatically picking this up and setting it up automatically which doesnt seem to be the case with the MF. So Id appreciate if you could tell me how to set it up correctly.
Adolf Hit
Hi Januaryone,

I assume you are using a Mac and did not drag the firmware update utility to your desktop before running it. Do this and try again, this will get your midifighter working again.

From what you have said here and on other threads it sounds like you just need to correct the device in and out settings in the midi preferences tab.

If Traktor is showing the little blue midi activity light the midifighter is working correctly, your problem will lie within the midi preferences window.
Maryalice Zwahlen
Getting this message:

Contacting DJ Techtools...
unable to open temporary file:
read-only file system
flashing the midifighter...
midifighter erased.
failed send HEX files to the midifighter.

doesnt sound good...!

and on top of that all the leds are lighting up when i unplug the cable and plug it in again. all leds except for one (third row from top, far right). WTF?
Ella Rick
Originally Posted by JanuaryOne

"...it should be a problem to do" freudian slip hey!?!

thanks, will give that a try right now and see what comes out of it.
Heheh yeah

Cool let me know how you get on
Maryalice Zwahlen

"...it should be a problem to do" freudian slip hey!?!

thanks, will give that a try right now and see what comes out of it.
Ella Rick
Yeah I had to re flash my 2nd Fighter which I've only had for a month or so,

Download the midifighter updater win or Mac depending on what computer you got

You can find that up in the stickys,
Once you downloaded it, open it up then follow the instructions
It's real easy and it shouldn't be a problem to do
Maryalice Zwahlen
U reckon?
How do I reflash and why would that be required already - I literally got the MF two weeks ago...!
Tried re-importing a million times...arg!
Ella Rick
Maybe it's time to re flash your fighter,
also try re importing your IG mapping in Traktor
Maryalice Zwahlen
@wilinfluence: exactly, Im using the IG-AB mapping.
What confuses me is that my MF tells me in menu mode that my fourbank internal setting is off. Nevertheless I can e.g. do loops, change their sizes by holding down shift. That mode is quite faulty though. e.g i cant destroy a loop with FX, then traktor just looses it completely and i can hardly get back to the normal track. However if i change to fourbank mode the MF doesnt do anything - nuthing!
Ella Rick
Four bank mode means you can use the IG mapping,
also it gives you 4 banks of 16 buttons,
basically gives you a total of 64 buttons
Maryalice Zwahlen

So I assume in fourbank mode the three bottom rows can be used e.g. as sampler, loop and just FX right?

Why - if thats the case - does my MF do all that but in the setup it still says that fourbank mode is off?
Venetta Cawyer
Because it isn't suited for everyone. That's like asking why H&M ships their clothes in different sizes just because M suits you just fine..

The advantage is that you get 4 times 12 buttons instead of one time 16 buttons. BUT some people don't need 4x12 buttons but only 16 rapid fire arcade buttons in their workflow.

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