Possible to change mappings on button press?

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Possible to change mappings on button press?
Posted on: 13.07.2011 by Maryjo Gower
Curious question, I love my midifighter and generally leave it in the Deckalized/Instant Grat mapping, but time to time like to use it more dedicated for cue points and another mapping I have. Is it possible to map a button (on the midifighter as a shift-combo maybe, or even just on my keyboard) to swap whole mappings on the fly?
Percy Keehan
Originally Posted by photojojo
Not that I'm aware of.
well, im sure ean could do it with some firmware and a lot of mapping. like a button that loads each button to a mapping or something.
Maryjo Gower
Curious question, I love my midifighter and generally leave it in the Deckalized/Instant Grat mapping, but time to time like to use it more dedicated for cue points and another mapping I have. Is it possible to map a button (on the midifighter as a shift-combo maybe, or even just on my keyboard) to swap whole mappings on the fly?
Leeanna Ayla
It's not that simple even though that's not simple. It would have to be something that made the computer do it since there's no command in Traktor to do it. You might be able to make http://www.autohotkey.com/ do it, but I'm not sure I would want to do that while live. If you get it to work let us know.
Percy Keehan
Originally Posted by photojojo
Not that I'm aware of.
well, im sure ean could do it with some firmware and a lot of mapping. like a button that loads each button to a mapping or something.
Leeanna Ayla
Not that I'm aware of.

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