DJTT Faders and Knobs

DJTT Faders and Knobs
Posted on: 21.07.2011 by Erik Giarratano
Hi everybody,

I was wondering if any of you had the brand, the reference and (if possible) were I could buy the faders and knobs on the VCI-100s and on the Midi Fighter Pros.

Thank you
Erik Giarratano
Hi everybody,

I was wondering if any of you had the brand, the reference and (if possible) were I could buy the faders and knobs on the VCI-100s and on the Midi Fighter Pros.

Thank you
Kimberly Lewark
Myself and sidetrakd use these knobs. They have a center dent, so if you prefer one without, check the other ALPS ones. They are the same as (or very similar to) the knobs used on the Pros. No idea about faders, we use dual gang Bourns I believe, not sure offhand. Faders seem to be pretty expensive, though.

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