MIDI Fighter Classic + traktor pro 2 + Pioneer DDJ-T1

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MIDI Fighter Classic + traktor pro 2 + Pioneer DDJ-T1
Posted on: 01.01.2012 by Emery Kimbal
Hey guys, pretty new here so forgive my ignorance. I'm actually quiet new to the DJ scene, bought my first deck about 6 months ago ( Pioneer DDJ-T1) and loving it, and was craving something else, thus bought myself a MIDI fighter classic. My set up consists of Pioneer controller, Macbook running Traktor Pro 2 and a MIDI fighter, however I can't seem to get the MIDI fighter to respond in Traktor. Its set up with Instant Gratification, running in External 4 banks mode but it won't respond with the decks in traktor when I press a button on the MIDI fighter. Can anyone tell me what I'm doing wrong? I followed these step www.djranking s.com/midi-fighter-setup/

Emery Kimbal
Hey guys, pretty new here so forgive my ignorance. I'm actually quiet new to the DJ scene, bought my first deck about 6 months ago ( Pioneer DDJ-T1) and loving it, and was craving something else, thus bought myself a MIDI fighter classic. My set up consists of Pioneer controller, Macbook running Traktor Pro 2 and a MIDI fighter, however I can't seem to get the MIDI fighter to respond in Traktor. Its set up with Instant Gratification, running in External 4 banks mode but it won't respond with the decks in traktor when I press a button on the MIDI fighter. Can anyone tell me what I'm doing wrong? I followed these step www.djranking s.com/midi-fighter-setup/

Emery Kimbal
Yeah mate tried all of those, Is there any set of instructions I should follow specifically? I followed those pretty thoroughly. The little 'Ctrl' indicator in Traktor responds when I press a button on the MIDI but no response to a deck. I assume you finish setting it up, and it reaady to use? or not? It's in external 4 banks mode.
Estefana Musfeldt
few things you need to check
1) does the signal block at the top of traktor respond when you press a button on the midi fighter?
2) Is your midifighter flashed with the up to date firmware?
3) try deleting and reloading your TSI file
4) have you set the inputs and outputs for each of the 4 decks tsi files to midi fighter classic?

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