Midi fighter electrical feedback...broken?
Midi fighter electrical feedback...broken? Posted on: 06.12.2011 by Ardith Greber My midi fighter classic has recently been giving electric feedback causing it to be off beat lately. If i press buttons quickly it slows down the song all togetheri noticed it at a gig recently. Is it broken or has this happened to other people before?? | |
Ardith Greber 06.12.2011 | My midi fighter classic has recently been giving electric feedback causing it to be off beat lately. If i press buttons quickly it slows down the song all together i noticed it at a gig recently. Is it broken or has this happened to other people before?? |
Antoine Longwell 16.03.2012 | And no, fiddling with clock out on/off doesn't change anything. |
Mayme Gleim 16.03.2012 | I'm fully agreed with you |
Antoine Longwell 16.03.2012 | Correction. I HAVE! used no left turn's deckalized/IG 4 banks mapping with perfect success as far as beatmasher goes. IDK what else could be causing it. I'm totally lost. I mean, I'm satisfied with flashflooder's mapping, but I see that others are having similar issues, so I'd like to try to figure this out. Any other options to try, I'll give it a shot. |
Antoine Longwell 16.03.2012 | As posted in a similar thread, I'm using windows 7 64x, laptop. Asus with a 2.3gHz processor. 6 gigs of RAM. Interestingly enough, it's in the mapping itself. I can use flashflooder's IG/deckalized mapping, and the beatmasher works perfectly [as well as every other effect, but beatmasher and gator were the biggest culprits]. So IDK, guys. I might be the special case, but it might be with the 4 banks mode... I have yet to try a 4-banks mode mapping that isn't IG that does include the IG beatmasher mapping. |
Adolf Hit 15.03.2012 | Hey guys, that wont be an electrical problem. What OS/ Hardware are you guys using, does turning midi out / midi clock out off improve the issue at all? |
Antoine Longwell 10.03.2012 | I actually have this same issue. Is my computer really that terrible? or does it have something to do with my MF? |
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