Midi-fighter + techno music
Midi-fighter + techno music Posted on: 17.09.2013 by Season Bergere Hello.Do any of you use your midi-fighter while playing techno music? If yes then in what ways do you use it to make your set more interesting? And does anyone know of any youtube videos showing someone using a MF with techno music (I searched but couldn't find any). I'm just trying to get some ideas, this is a new tool for me. | |
Kellie Myrum 24.09.2013 |
Originally Posted by sovvy
Let's wait a NI for a bit more time and see if they'll incorporate a Maschine controller in to Traktor as a step sequencer any time before Christmas 2014. Hopefully the mappings will be unlocked to all |
Season Bergere 17.09.2013 | Hello. Do any of you use your midi-fighter while playing techno music? If yes then in what ways do you use it to make your set more interesting? And does anyone know of any youtube videos showing someone using a MF with techno music (I searched but couldn't find any). I'm just trying to get some ideas, this is a new tool for me. |
Kellie Myrum 24.09.2013 | You can sync Traktor and Maschine software to make them work together. I'd rather see a new deck flavor if you know what I mean. |
Season Bergere 24.09.2013 | So Stewe does that mean that Traktor and Maschine currently don't work together, we'll have to wait for NI to hopefully make some updates to Traktor? |
Kellie Myrum 24.09.2013 |
Originally Posted by sovvy
Let's wait a NI for a bit more time and see if they'll incorporate a Maschine controller in to Traktor as a step sequencer any time before Christmas 2014. Hopefully the mappings will be unlocked to all |
Mae Penquite 20.09.2013 | I use traktor as mixing software and has ableton live integrated in a live deck wich runs my max for live step sequencer https://maps.djranking s.com/mappings/1135 |
Season Bergere 20.09.2013 | Quote from another thread,`It sure is possible to map any controller to the software that has step sequencer built in which Traktor is not. It takes insane mapping to achieve it in Traktor right now.' Do you use Traktor or? |
Mae Penquite 19.09.2013 | you can use it like every midi-controler. It's absolutely up to you what you make out of it. I use mine for effects, remix deck control and as a step sequencer. the step sequencer is pretty handy when it comes to techno! |
Season Bergere 19.09.2013 | Thanks for the reply Stewe. So does this 3d MF have 64 mapping options, plus the various tilts - allowing one to map effects,samples for each button? This can allow one to for example finger-drum, or do effects or one-shot samples? Is that basically it (forgive my ignorance)? |
Kellie Myrum 17.09.2013 | Hi, This is a short mapping vid but should fit the description |
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