Disappointed with my DDJ SX
Disappointed with my DDJ SX Posted on: 30.01.2013 by Hui Fluck is there any other mappings for the ddj sx for traktor. | |
Nestor Epper 30.01.2013 |
Originally Posted by Mike_08
Werner Bile 30.01.2013 |
Originally Posted by Mike_08
Hui Fluck 30.01.2013 | is there any other mappings for the ddj sx for traktor. |
Hui Fluck 30.01.2013 | It's actually working pretty good now lol i didn't read the instructions. |
Ashanti Andreacchio 30.01.2013 | what is wrong with the mapping? There is no guaranty there will ever be a DDJ TX. I have been using my DDJ SX with Traktor since mid November at several gigs and for what I need it works perfect. I've made my own mapping that is basicly the same as the viper one only I've mapped the sampler pads for beat gridings and not mapped anything to the slicer yet. So when you go and buy a controller that is not suported by you software of choice you need to learn mapping. The Viper mapp is grate and is also separated into several parts so if you don't like how the (presets for FX) slicer is you just need to change that one or just delete that one and mapp those pads to something else. |
Hui Fluck 30.01.2013 | what should i do should i keep the sx or keep the s4? |
Hui Fluck 30.01.2013 | yeah |
Nestor Epper 30.01.2013 | Have you tried using the Serato that came with it? |
Hui Fluck 30.01.2013 | Same and selling this sx right away! |
Nestor Epper 30.01.2013 |
Originally Posted by Mike_08
Hui Fluck 30.01.2013 | I sure hope they are |
Werner Bile 30.01.2013 |
Originally Posted by Mike_08
Elmer Kindinger 30.01.2013 | Aren't Pioneer making one for Traktor, DDJ-TX or something like that? |
Hui Fluck 30.01.2013 | Yeah lol i was hoping it would work good with traktor but it doesnt maybe there might be some better mappings down the road? |
Dione Haimes 30.01.2013 | Wasnt it made to be a serato controller? |
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