So whats the deal with head shells?

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So whats the deal with head shells?
Posted on: 27.07.2012 by Debrah Arnaout
Okay so ive asked around some people that i know and I cant really get a straight answer:

whats the difference between head shells? aka is my stock stanton t.62 headshell any better or worse then my stock sl1200mk2's and would it be worth it to even look into changing them? does weight (12g over 8g for example) even matter for me if im not an audiophile and even if it did im balancing the tone arm anywho no matter what the weight is.

basically what im asking is to school me on head shells man. educate my ass
Debrah Arnaout
Originally Posted by deevey
Hehe, and I used to sell the older model Stanton headshells to new Technics owners as must have "upgrades" (commission y'know).

I believe the Technics headshells though are made of magnesium which (snake oil) is so much better at vibration dampening and acoustics whereas the Stantons and most other OEM brands are just regular 'ol alu alloy.

Soundwise I've never noticed a difference in the headshells, whats underneath is what counts more.
thats what I thought. thanks mang
Debrah Arnaout
Okay so ive asked around some people that i know and I cant really get a straight answer:

whats the difference between head shells? aka is my stock stanton t.62 headshell any better or worse then my stock sl1200mk2's and would it be worth it to even look into changing them? does weight (12g over 8g for example) even matter for me if im not an audiophile and even if it did im balancing the tone arm anywho no matter what the weight is.

basically what im asking is to school me on head shells man. educate my ass
Rena Estabrook
I use eBay headshells identical to the old school Stantons from the early 90s. It looks similar to the Vestax. The handle of the headshell is inline with the stylus for more accurate needle drops. I bend the handle higher for more clearance.
Debrah Arnaout
Originally Posted by deevey
Hehe, and I used to sell the older model Stanton headshells to new Technics owners as must have "upgrades" (commission y'know).

I believe the Technics headshells though are made of magnesium which (snake oil) is so much better at vibration dampening and acoustics whereas the Stantons and most other OEM brands are just regular 'ol alu alloy.

Soundwise I've never noticed a difference in the headshells, whats underneath is what counts more.
thats what I thought. thanks mang
Germaine Bernadin
I used to use Stantion Trackmasters so............ they where never used.

But I liked the vestax ones the best.
Rolanda Clodfelder
Hehe, and I used to sell the older model Stanton headshells to new Technics owners as must have "upgrades" (commission y'know).

I believe the Technics headshells though are made of magnesium which (snake oil) is so much better at vibration dampening and acoustics whereas the Stantons and most other OEM brands are just regular 'ol alu alloy.

Soundwise I've never noticed a difference in the headshells, whats underneath is what counts more.
Verona Spradlin
No, it doesn't matter as long as the wire can connect well to the cartridge. People just love the Technics name. I use some Stanton Headshells on my M44-7s with my M3Ds and honestly I would prefer the stock black Technics ones, but it's not worth paying $40 for looks (to me at least).

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