Should I pull the Trigger?

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Should I pull the Trigger?
Posted on: 16.10.2012 by Marti Virkler
I have an S4 and found a guy on Craigslist selling both of his M3D's (mint condition, sent me a video and a few pictures i requested) with ortofon pro s stylus on them for $800.

Pull the trigger or is vinyl more a "niche" kind of thing that won't add to much to my life. Truthfully i've become pretty obsessed with the idea of spinning on vinyl but don't know if it's really worth it? Anybody want to try and convince/dissuade me?

Marti Virkler
I have an S4 and found a guy on Craigslist selling both of his M3D's (mint condition, sent me a video and a few pictures i requested) with ortofon pro s stylus on them for $800.

Pull the trigger or is vinyl more a "niche" kind of thing that won't add to much to my life. Truthfully i've become pretty obsessed with the idea of spinning on vinyl but don't know if it's really worth it? Anybody want to try and convince/dissuade me?

Reid Barreiro
vinyl all the way!
such an awesome feel that can't be beat.
when i started mixing with vinyl after 3 years of CDJ's. i felt like an ACTUAL dj, it made djing fun again.
Johnetta Olewine
mixing with records will change your life
Osvaldo Newhall
Getting a pair of those M3D will never be a regret. No matter how many controllers or CD players are going to be made, they can never beat or replicate the feel of a vinyl turntable. Go for it man.
Maricruz Felter
I believe that's a good value. I paid $800 for my pair of 1210 mk2's. I bought mine through Guitar Center's used website. I know they're typically expensive, but for used Technics I thought this was a good value and was as good as anything I was able to find through craigslist (and GC gave me the option to be able to return them if they didn't pass my tests). Though the two tables I got are completely flawless and look like they were just taken out of the box so I thought it was worth the added expense.

In general, you shouldn't pay additional money for carts/needles because there's no real way to be able to determine how much wear and tear is on them and how soon they might need to be replaced. If the carts are fairly new then needles aren't too expensive to replace, and will matter less if you're using it for DVS anyways than if you were playing real vinyls.
Marti Virkler
Thanks for the response and i'm looking to use a timecode setup with my S4 (glad i went with the S4 and not the VCI-400 now; basically have a Z2 AND 2 extra channels with no hanky jankyness).

Any comments on price? Is $800 a good deal, judging from what I have seen online and since it includes the cartridges it seems like a definite yes but I'm really reluctant (lets just blame it on the economy).

Thanks, and any input is appreciated guys.
Maricruz Felter
I recently switched from a modular set up (Kontrol X1 and a mixer) to a DVS setup (2 Tech 1210's plugged into my DN-X1600 mixer).

I can safely say that the change has been incredible. Becoming proficient at beatmatching by ear means I can sit down and mix new tracks without first laboring through beatgridding them all. I'll still beatgrid tracks that I see myself using most frequently (that way I can also have quantized loops set), but it's great for auditioning new tracks and just f'ing around in general.

Also, there's just a very nice aesthetic and feel to mixing on vinyl. It was definitely a bit frustrating at first (and still frustrating at time) switching from just a purely digital controller based setup to something more organic. However, I still use the X1 and definitely recommend one if you're going the DVS route.

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