Want a script to stop non-Traktor essential Windows services?
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Want a script to stop non-Traktor essential Windows services? Posted on: 23.01.2011 by Len Lukawski If you are having performance issues with your S4 and are running a Windows system then this script may help. Please also check my sticky in this community
for a guide on configuring your system. Nothing here is proven, guaranteed or supported. At worst you waste an evening playing with your computer to no avail. At best you avoid taking your S4 back or forking out for a new laptop.THIS IS NOT A THREAD TO BITCH ABOUT NI DRIVERS, SUPPORT OR THEIR WINDOWS CODING SKILLS. ***If you read past this line it will be at your own risk*** This is the script that myself and MartinK have been playing with. Martin is still doing some more testing but for those that want to try something to automate the stopping of most non-Traktor essential services, keep reading... This script kills off your networking services and pretty much everything else Traktor doesn't need. This is the 2nd version of the script that also offers to re-start your services. Thanks to Stashe on the NI community for the update. This is clearly someone who knows their scripting onions! Copy the following to into a notepad file: @ECHO OFF ::============================ =========== :: **** BEGIN AUTO ELEVATION PROMPT **** :: This makes the batch file prompt for elevated permissions :: on Windows Vista or Windows 7, then re-run itself VER | FINDSTR /IL "5.1." > NUL IF %ERRORLEVEL% EQU 0 SET Version=XP VER | FINDSTR /IL "5.2." > NUL IF %ERRORLEVEL% EQU 0 SET Version=2003 VER | FINDSTR /IL "6.0." > NUL IF %ERRORLEVEL% EQU 0 SET Version=Vista VER | FINDSTR /IL "6.1." > NUL IF %ERRORLEVEL% EQU 0 SET Version=7 If "%Version%"=="XP" GoTo SkipElevation If "%Version%"=="2003"? GoTo SkipElevation PushD "%~dp0"? If Exist "%~0.ELEVATED" GoTo SkipElevation :: Have to escape double quotes because they are :: passed to Cmd.exe via ShellExecute Set CMD_Args=%0 %* Set CMD_Args=%CMD_Args:"="% Set ELEVATED_CMD=PowerShell -Command (New-Object -com 'Shell.Application').ShellExec ute('Cmd.exe', '/C %CMD_Args%', '', 'runas') Echo %ELEVATED_CMD% >> "%~0.ELEVATED" :: If there are single quotes in the arguments, this will fail Call %ELEVATED_CMD% Exit SkipElevation If Exist "%~0.ELEVATED" Del "%~0.ELEVATED" :: **** END AUTO ELEVATION PROMPT **** ::============================ ============ SET Option= IF NOT '%1'=='' GOTO QUIT :MENU CLS ECHO. Welcome to the Windows Services Tool for Traktor S4 users. ECHO. Please select one of the numbers below to begin! ECHO. ECHO. ECHO. 1. Stop all non-Essential Windows Services ECHO. 2. Start all non-Essential Windows Services ECHO. 3. Quit this Script ECHO. ECHO. SET /P Input=Which option would you like to perform?: IF %Input% == 1 GOTO STOPSVC IF %Input% == 2 GOTO STARTSVC IF %Input% == 3 GOTO QUIT STOPSVC CLS ECHO. ECHO. STOPPING all non-Traktor services! ECHO. PAUSE rem Stopping Windows Firewall and Windows Defender... net stop mpssvc net stop windefend rem Stopping DHCP Client and Wireless LAN... net stop WinHttpAutoProxySvc net stop dhcp net stop wlansvc rem Stopping Other Network Related Services... net stop "dns cache" net stop netprofm net stop nlasvc net stop netman net stop iphlpsvc net stop lanmanworkstation net stop "Bonjour Service" net stop dhcp net stop nsi net stop lanmanserver net stop lmhosts net stop "shared access" net stop nettcpportsharing net stop remoteaccess net stop alg net stop bits net stop peerdistsvc net stop certpropsvc net stop homegrouplistener net stop homegroupprovider net stop winrm net stop Broswer net stop TrkWks rem Stopping other Windows Services... net stop wscsvc net stop DPS net stop CscService net stop WPDBusEnum net stop ProtectedStorage net stop RemoteRegistry net stop seclogon net stop wscsvc rem Stopping Blue Tooth Services net stop bthserv rem Stopping Remote Desktop and Remote Assistance Services net stop sessionenv net stop termservice rem Stopping Windows Update Services net stop wuauserv rem Stopping iPod Services net stop "ipod service" net stop "Apple Mobile Device" rem Stopping Stuff that makes your PC look nice... net stop themes net stop sensrsvc net stop AeLookupSvc net stop UxSms rem Stopping Scanner, Camera and other imaging Services... net stop stisvc rem Stopping Windows Media Playing Sharing... net stop WMPnetworksvc rem Stopping Tablet Device Support... net stop tabletinputservice rem Stopping Other Windows Services... net stop bdesvc net stop wbengine net stop uiodetect net stop defragsvc net stop axinstsv net stop "w32time" net stop wercplsupport rem Stopping Printer Services net stop spooler ECHO. ECHO. ECHO. PROCESS COMPLETE! ECHO. PAUSE GOTO MENU STARTSVC CLS ECHO. STARTING all non-Traktor services! PAUSE rem Starting Windows Firewall and Windows Defender... net start mpssvc net start windefend rem Starting DHCP Client and Wireless LAN... net start WinHttpAutoProxySvc net start dhcp net start wlansvc rem Starting Other Network Related Services... net start "dns cache" net start netprofm net start nlasvc net start netman net start iphlpsvc net start lanmanworkstation net start "Bonjour Service" net start dhcp net start nsi net start lanmanserver net start lmhosts net start "shared access" net start nettcpportsharing net start remoteaccess net start alg net start bits net start peerdistsvc net start certpropsvc net start homegrouplistener net start homegroupprovider net start winrm net start Broswer net start TrkWks rem Starting other Windows Services... net start wscsvc net start DPS net start CscService net start WPDBusEnum net start ProtectedStorage net start RemoteRegistry net start seclogon net start wscsvc rem Starting Blue Tooth Services net start bthserv rem Starting Remote Desktop and Remote Assistance Services net start sessionenv net start termservice rem Starting Windows Update Services net start wuauserv rem Starting iPod Services net start "ipod service" net start "Apple Mobile Device" rem Starting Stuff that makes your PC look nice... net start themes net start sensrsvc net start AeLookupSvc net start UxSms rem Starting Scanner, Camera and other imaging Services... net start stisvc rem Starting Windows Media Playing Sharing... net start WMPnetworksvc rem Starting Tablet Device Support... net start tabletinputservice rem Starting Other Windows Services... net start bdesvc net start wbengine net start uiodetect net start defragsvc net start axinstsv net start "w32time" net start wercplsupport rem Starting Printer Services net start spooler ECHO. ECHO. ECHO. PROCESS COMPLETE! ECHO. PAUSE GOTO MENU :QUIT [Save the file as Killscript.bat (or whatever you want to call it, just make sure it has the .bat) To launch the script double click on it. What you will see: Error messages relating to services that don't exist on your machine or services that are already stopped (or were never started). You may also see prompts asking you if you want to disable a dependent service. Hit Y/Yes. This script will not stop Anti-Virus/Security and other third party services. I would love to include something that does but I have a job and a family... It will however knock out Windows Defender and Windows Firewall. No permanent changes are made to your machine. When you want to revert back to running all services, simply reboot. Please don't use this script if you are worried about Windows acting funny once you run it . We have done some basic testing but it's no Gamebooster. If you do play with it, let us know if it helps or not. | |
Len Lukawski 17.10.2013 |
Originally Posted by VanGogo
Len Lukawski 17.10.2013 |
Originally Posted by VanGogo
Charline Dye 13.10.2013 | It should work with any DJ software, you are just stopping Windows services etc. that are unnessecary for running that software. You can add the script to gamebooster also. |
Tera Baragan 13.10.2013 | Does this work with serato? Just curious. |
daniela klein 12.04.2011 | Check out Game Booster. "Game Booster v2 can easily and fast close background processes and unnecessary Windows services, to speed up you game playing and avoid possible conflicts and incompatibility. With the innovative "Enhanced 3rd parties' services detection" technology, Game Booster v2 can automatically detect and close more unnecessary background services." |
Byron Dipple 12.04.2011 | sweet! I'll give it a try later thanks :] |
Len Lukawski 11.04.2011 | you can add: /yes to the end of the lines of the service you want to stop. Example: net stop "Bonjour Service" /yes |
Byron Dipple 08.04.2011 | Heya smitten or anyone, is there a way a can configure my script to automatically press "y" for the few tasks it ask If Im sure i want to stop the service. I would like to be able to just run the script and not have to keep pressing yes like 5 times. |
Len Lukawski 13.03.2011 | No worries mate. I believe your TP stuff is probably fine to leave. |
Lin Danek 13.03.2011 | Thanks mate - enlightening as always. At risk of sounding like a spoilt brat - I have 2 laptops. My Acer 5320 sits at work (email, diary, (medical) accounting software, iTunes for work (pipe music through practice) etc. My asus is a PURE TOY - dedicated to mixing/listening/gigging/fiddling with Traktor (currently with X1/Audio2). I have the ORIGINAL W7 (Ultimate) DISC that I bought from a mate that works at Microsoft. I'm anal, like things lean & mean and suffer from DELETE-itis - there's NO crap on my asus. I am going for your sticky - from top to bottom. As I said, my friendly nerd will do the honours. I like the idea of working UP from the bare essentials, rather than down from the excess baggage. Will keep you posted. I should get my S4 this week - should I strip existing TP and drivers in the interim? Thanks as always. |
Len Lukawski 12.03.2011 | Hello mate, Here goes.... 1. The sticky is for people who really want to go to town on their system to get max performance for their Traktor set up. This takes much more time than just running the script and will create a bare-bones Traktor environment that's much like a rally car - lightweight, fast and safe but with none of the luxuries and comforts (Like Aero, Fancy themes, Search, Wifi etc...). Let's say you go through all the items on the sticky, you can still run the script. A proportion of the services that the script kills will have already been disabled through the sticky directions. There are however a couple of dozen additional services that the script will knock out on top. The script makes no permanent changes so try it out and if you find it helps, use it. In my opinion vendor installs are the devil. I believe I posted a comparison of my Samsung machine running the shipped install versus a clean install using a Windows 7 disk. The vendor install hogged somewhere between 30-50% more resources. While you can remove all the programs in the world and use various cleaning utilities you can never really remove everything that was once installed. Whenever I am working on a new machine I ditch the recovery/restore disk that shipped with it and go straight for a clean install. it's an hour or two extra on my time upfront but it saves hours in the long run. I work for a software company so I have access to a wide range of legitimately licensed operating systems, for many "normal" people that's not an option. You are not "supposed" to take your Windows license key which is normally stuck to the underside of your machine and use it to license and activate a standard copy of the same windows version but its not always that black and white. Ideally you might want to shop around for a standard Win7 Basic. Yeah, it is money you "already spent" on that license that came with your machine but that OEM license didn't increase the price of your machine by more than $10-20. Nero? For Burning - not sure - don't use it. I do have Wave Editor but I run that on a separate partition. My parting advice is, if you have a new laptop that doesn't have too much baggage - now is the time to format and reload the operating system. Install Traktor first, use the Create System Image tool in the Accessories > Maintenance menu. That will create a snapshot of your entire system so if you have to reload it, you don't have to do the install and config stuff again and it will have all the applications you have installed and your settings. http://www.groovypost.com/howto/micr...-system-image/ Add any extra apps, tools, drivers in one by one. If you find you add something that drops your performance just use the image you created to revert back to clean environment. This is also a bloody good insurance policy in general. All of this may be overkill when the new Traktor version comes out but it's really easy to add stuff to Windows and a f*****g pain in the arse to take it away. Ok, that's enough out of me.... |
Lin Danek 12.03.2011 | Hey Smitten, You got a REAL noob/non-geek here, but I have a REAL geek prepping my Asus NJ61 [win7 64bit, 4GB RAM, i5 (turbo) 500GB HD] for my S4 which landed in South Africa on Friday (wooooooooppppaaaaaaaaaaaa). I only have Win7(office '07), TP2 (1.2.7) Nero 10 and iTunes loaded (there's a lot of asus 'extras' that I NEVER use). VERY happy to follow your superb advice to a 'T' (and let you know) - 1. Does Chris (my tame nerd) apply BOTH the sticky AND script? 2. Should we nuke all the asus 'extras' (power DVD, quick boot etc)? 3. Nero? (only use CD burner and Wave Editor) Thanks mate - your blood deserves to be bottled. |
Len Lukawski 12.03.2011 | It is not specific to any particular gear as it only stops a bunch of Win7 services. Try it and see. |
Oralee Alcantara 12.03.2011 | Hi I'm using Traktor Pro and a Reloop Digital Jockey2 and have been after something like this, does it work for Traktor Pro as well as S4? |
Dorine Borso 20.02.2011 | ok smitten I was able to run the script but there was actually no diff in cpu usage in tps4 thanks for ya help i believe my reason for high cpu is due to the s4 sound card currently trying to figure out the best latency settings for my audio 8 |
Len Lukawski 20.02.2011 | Which prompt? |
Dorine Borso 20.02.2011 | trying now |
Len Lukawski 20.02.2011 | 1. Save the file as .bat per previous post 2. Locate file on your drive - the icon should no longer be the notepad icon - rather the one Windows defaults to for batch files. 3. Double click on it to launch. This will launch a dos window and you will see the script execute. You don't need notepad once you have pasted the text in and saved it out as .bat - just a simple double-click to launch |
Dorine Borso 20.02.2011 | thats the way ive been doing it smitten when i reopen in note pad nothing happens. maybe im copying the wrong part.....i have no clue i start copying from @echo off and end at quit |
Len Lukawski 20.02.2011 | just type it as part of the file name, it will overwrite .txt extension... |
Dorine Borso 20.02.2011 | Can't get the script to work I copied pasted to note pad cant save file as .bat only choice is .txt or all files |
Len Lukawski 27.01.2011 | Vice was good enough to post his results of the script on the NI community
. From: http://www.native-instruments.com/fo...d.php?t=128527 "Well I decided to use the only laptop I have (work provided lol) as I wait for all these new sandy bridge laptops to start trickling in. the laptop is a Dell Latitude E5400 with 2 GB ram and a core 2 duo cpu. If i dont disable some of these unnecessary services I will get CPU spikes along with occasional pop and crack in the sound while im playing. So this script makes it really nice and fast to get traktor up and running and it runs flawlessly! sure there might be the occasional cpu spike (not nearly as bad as before) but no pops/cracks or nothing in the sound. plus its really nice that i dont have to make new windows profile with all this stuff disabled just to hop on my S4, all i gotta do is run this script!" Seems it can be done with some string and a few bottle-tops. Thanks to Stashe on the NI Forum for his advanced codery. |
Byron Dipple 24.01.2011 | ^haha u did thanks! |
Len Lukawski 24.01.2011 | I believe I responded on NI.... |
Byron Dipple 24.01.2011 | well I took out all the elevation commands and was able to get to the main selection prompt screen. but simply imputing a number does nothing the script quits but if I input anything EXCEPT the numbers 1,2 or 3 it will successfully begin stopping the services but can not start the services again (unless reboot)...I'm not very knowledgeable on scripting but any advice would be greatly appreciated! Also, keep up the good work on this script I see this as being useful for many window/traktor users! |
Byron Dipple 24.01.2011 | hmm well I just tried it on my windows xp machine and it fails to launch. command prompt pops up for a second before terminating itself. any suggestions? |
Len Lukawski 24.01.2011 | You are more than welcome and thanks Yul and Haze from the props - I have a lot of respect for you guys. I am enjoying looking into the Windows stuff and I will be coming to you for help as quite frankly, my mixes sound like my 2 year old going to town on the TV remote while fighting with the dog |
Byron Dipple 24.01.2011 | Thank you so much! |
Julissa Serrone 24.01.2011 | yeah man, props all the Windows help you have provided. |
Kecia Wnukowski 24.01.2011 | I won't use your script for personal reason but apart from that Sir, YOU ARE A STAR!!! Great post. |
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