Looking for DJs and Promoters for new night in Oxford/UK
Looking for DJs and Promoters for new night in Oxford/UK Posted on: 09.03.2013 by Delmar Hungler Yeah so basically there's a new tech/electro and prog house evening
on in Oxford, and we're looking for guest DJ's who can do a bit of promotion work and can bring some mates down with them. Here's the event: https://www.facebook.com/events/605842816097277/ Message me on here or on facebook it doesn't matter | |
Delmar Hungler 09.03.2013 | Yeah so basically there's a new tech/electro and prog house evening
on in Oxford, and we're looking for guest DJ's who can do a bit of promotion work and can bring some mates down with them. Here's the event: https://www.facebook.com/events/605842816097277/ Message me on here or on facebook it doesn't matter |
Loyd Cilek 09.03.2013 | How do, maybe not quite what you're looking for as I'm more on the deep/underground side of things but just in case: http://soundcloud.com/deanoakley |
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