A pair of CDJs for around $500

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A pair of CDJs for around $500
Posted on: 01.08.2012 by Erich Vallabhaneni
I know that sounds crazy, but I already have one setup and am just wanting CDJ's to play around with at the house without breaking my bank account. If you guys could help me out that'd be great!
Erich Vallabhaneni
I know that sounds crazy, but I already have one setup and am just wanting CDJ's to play around with at the house without breaking my bank account. If you guys could help me out that'd be great!
Emely Metz
dont you already bought a pair of Gemini CDJ-700 ?
Jason Mcewing
My friend sold his CDJ800mk1s for that price - which is a great price but not absurd. I'd hold out for the same thing.
Jae Schlimm
Ive been looking to buy CDJs for the same reason. REAAALLLY want to use CDJs and a mixer for once rather than just a controller. The cheapest I can find that don't seem too bad are Geminis CDJ-600. They're like $170 each for a new one on Amazon. Seems like a pretty good deal to me.

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