Traktor Pro 2 Serial $40

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Traktor Pro 2 Serial $40
Posted on: 07.01.2013 by Valeri Millstein
Just the serial I just got with my F1, hopefully someone can use it!
Tatum Ansaldo
Originally Posted by JSM
it has to see the serial number of an F1 in the service centre.
That's what I mean, if you deregister your hardware serial by email then give both numbers to someone else, then they can use those to activate traktor. Bit of a roundabout way of doing things but possible.
Faustino Stringfellow
Originally Posted by 0Notice
Why would there be a Hardware code and then a Software code. Seems redundant to have two things. I will make is be sure to pay anyone back if it doesn't work.

Why do I even bother ! What was so difficult about understanding "It can't be sold or transferred"? The serial is locked to the F1 hardware, No F1 = no worky.

If you'd bothered to read the NI community about the same thing, it's all there in front of you. But maybe you're not English speaking, then fortunately the support community s are in many languages ... they will all tell you the same thing though ......

YOU CAN'T SELL OR TRANSFER the "free" copy that comes with the F1.

If you want to try, this is where you need to start.

When they tell you the same thing as I've just told you, do I get an apology?

If you already have a "bought" copy or Traktor, sell/transfer that one, and keep the one that came with with the F1. However if you have upgraded the "bought" copy to Scratch Pro, you'll need to sell that too.

NI are unwilling to transfer my existing scratch licenses to my F1 hardware.

But if you believe you know better, go ahead .... apply to have the F1 licence transferred to another user, see how far you get ......
Valeri Millstein
Originally Posted by dubyou
I used my tp2 s2 with my Vci 400 se, I'm pretty sure this is f1 specific.
Why would there be a Hardware code and then a Software code. Seems redundant to have two things. I will make is be sure to pay anyone back if it doesn't work.
Dick Korus
Originally Posted by xawesomeness
So if I sold an S2 for a used S4 without traktor, I couldnt stay with my S2 serial to use traktor?
I used my tp2 s2 with my Vci 400 se, I'm pretty sure this is f1 specific.
Valeri Millstein
Just the serial I just got with my F1, hopefully someone can use it!
Tatum Ansaldo
Valeri Millstein
Well. Seems like I won't be selling TP2 serial after all... Thanks everyone who made this clear.
Tatum Ansaldo
Could certainly cause problems down the line.
Faustino Stringfellow
I can see what you mean, but I believe it would soon be sussed on the first update of the software.

Personally I'm not prepared to let someone else have my hardware serials, don't know about you.
Tatum Ansaldo
Originally Posted by JSM
it has to see the serial number of an F1 in the service centre.
That's what I mean, if you deregister your hardware serial by email then give both numbers to someone else, then they can use those to activate traktor. Bit of a roundabout way of doing things but possible.
Faustino Stringfellow
The hardware will work no matter what you have connected it to, it's the other way around that's the problem

Take the Traktor Software given away with the F1, try to make it work on it's own chance, it has to see the serial number of an F1 in the service centre.

You can't (I tried) use the F1 serial number twice (different accounts) ..... the activation at the other end throws a wobbly.

I believe I know where they are going with this, it's going to become so cheap to buy, no-one will be bothering with pirate copies.
Tatum Ansaldo
Just so I can understand the mechanics of it, do you mean the F1 version of TP won't work without the F1 plugged in, or you need to plug in the F1 once to activate it? I know you can sell the 2 together because I sold mine to a friend and he had no problem installing once I'd deregistered the hardware, but I haven't tried to sell a licence without the HW.
Faustino Stringfellow
Sorry fullenglishpint, you can't. Simple as ....

I've jumped through hoops even trying to give away/donate mine. In the end I kept it and advised NI that I'd given my friend the pirated version of scratch instead. They didn't seen upset.

The thing is the F1 trakor software is FREE., therefore it's tied to the F1, they can't be separated. If they are you will see registration errors ....

On the plus side the guy who keeps the F1 won't have a problem using it anywhere, it's the other guy who won't be able to get the software working without an F1 (I don't know if it has to be the same hardware - i doubt it)

It seems as if no-one wants to believe me, so just go ahead and try to sell it / give it away .... then when you've waited upwards of a week, sending endless emails and pleading phone calls come back here so I can say "I told you so".


If you have real "bought" copy, sell / transfer that one. This does mean if you sell the F1 at some point, you'll have to buy another copy.

How do I know all this, check the kit list !! I have 2 scratch licences, 3 pro licences, ME licences as well as countless V1's and even so far back as FS !
Tatum Ansaldo
I believe you can transfer it, but you'd need to unregister the hardware serial from your account and the purchaser would have to register both.

Pretty sure the F1 would still work for you even if you unregister, traktor isn't tied to hardware but that particular traktor serial will only work when the hardware serial is registered to the same account.

Correct me if I'm wrong.
Faustino Stringfellow
Originally Posted by 0Notice
Why would there be a Hardware code and then a Software code. Seems redundant to have two things. I will make is be sure to pay anyone back if it doesn't work.

Why do I even bother ! What was so difficult about understanding "It can't be sold or transferred"? The serial is locked to the F1 hardware, No F1 = no worky.

If you'd bothered to read the NI community about the same thing, it's all there in front of you. But maybe you're not English speaking, then fortunately the support community s are in many languages ... they will all tell you the same thing though ......

YOU CAN'T SELL OR TRANSFER the "free" copy that comes with the F1.

If you want to try, this is where you need to start.

When they tell you the same thing as I've just told you, do I get an apology?

If you already have a "bought" copy or Traktor, sell/transfer that one, and keep the one that came with with the F1. However if you have upgraded the "bought" copy to Scratch Pro, you'll need to sell that too.

NI are unwilling to transfer my existing scratch licenses to my F1 hardware.

But if you believe you know better, go ahead .... apply to have the F1 licence transferred to another user, see how far you get ......
Valeri Millstein
Originally Posted by dubyou
I used my tp2 s2 with my Vci 400 se, I'm pretty sure this is f1 specific.
Why would there be a Hardware code and then a Software code. Seems redundant to have two things. I will make is be sure to pay anyone back if it doesn't work.
Dick Korus
Originally Posted by xawesomeness
So if I sold an S2 for a used S4 without traktor, I couldnt stay with my S2 serial to use traktor?
I used my tp2 s2 with my Vci 400 se, I'm pretty sure this is f1 specific.
Colene Scaglia
So if I sold an S2 for a used S4 without traktor, I couldnt stay with my S2 serial to use traktor?
Faustino Stringfellow
you can't even give the traktor serial away, I know i've tried. There's plenty of threads that have discussed this previously, just use search at the top of the page. The reason you can't sell or transfer is that it's locked to the hardware serial. This is explained in the NI FAQ page.

sorry, but i hope it's cleared up the confusion.
Valeri Millstein
Not the F1 Serial, there are two, one for the unit and one for the software.
Dick Korus
I heard F1 serials cannot be transfered without the unit. Im not sure but just what I heard.

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