Crossfader assembly pcb for numark omni control!!!
Crossfader assembly pcb for numark omni control!!! Posted on: 03.12.2013 by Lizabeth Peight This is turning into a bit of a project trying to do dead cheap!!After finally getting a bricked OMNI control working with firmware reinstall again, one of the channels has completely buggered midi from one of the faders. Am hoping that father Xmas will find me a cheap as chips replacement crossfader assembly that someone might have hanging around somewhere possibly from an old or broken machine where the faders assembly is stil in working order. Any help would be appreciated, its for a great cause. My 15 year old god daughter who wants to get into DJing possibly, but we want to see if she takes to it before spending on more up to date gear . PLEASE HELP ME FATHER XMAS!! jason (London, UK). | |
Lizabeth Peight 03.12.2013 | This is turning into a bit of a project trying to do dead cheap!! After finally getting a bricked OMNI control working with firmware reinstall again, one of the channels has completely buggered midi from one of the faders. Am hoping that father Xmas will find me a cheap as chips replacement crossfader assembly that someone might have hanging around somewhere possibly from an old or broken machine where the faders assembly is stil in working order. Any help would be appreciated, its for a great cause. My 15 year old god daughter who wants to get into DJing possibly, but we want to see if she takes to it before spending on more up to date gear . PLEASE HELP ME FATHER XMAS!! jason (London, UK). |
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