DDJ-SR with Traktor?

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DDJ-SR with Traktor?
Posted on: 17.12.2013 by Krystina Muckelroy
Anyone tried to map the DDJ-SR to Traktor? I am trying but I am having a hard time designating the "Shift" button as a modifier. Unable to map the browser know to scroll through the song list AND the tree even though a modifier has been created, in this case the shift button. Also unable to set/store cue point AND delete the same cue point using the modifier, again the shift button. I have yet to get a modifier to work.

I have noticed changing the decks on the controller changes the MIDI signals, as well as the buttons above the velocity pads, changing the MIDI signals for the pads. Any help appreciated.
Apryl Weddel
Well, after short investigation I found that SHIFT button doesn't need to be mapped as modifier. All knobs and buttons which are used with SHIFT can be mapped with appropriate midi command according the list of MIDI messages http://pioneerdj.com/support/files/i...Messages_E.pdf
Apryl Weddel
I'm having the same problem with SHIFT button. Didn't get further to the other mappings. :-(
Krystina Muckelroy
Anyone tried to map the DDJ-SR to Traktor? I am trying but I am having a hard time designating the "Shift" button as a modifier. Unable to map the browser know to scroll through the song list AND the tree even though a modifier has been created, in this case the shift button. Also unable to set/store cue point AND delete the same cue point using the modifier, again the shift button. I have yet to get a modifier to work.

I have noticed changing the decks on the controller changes the MIDI signals, as well as the buttons above the velocity pads, changing the MIDI signals for the pads. Any help appreciated.

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