xwax, the minimal open source DVS for Linux

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xwax, the minimal open source DVS for Linux
Posted on: 30.11.2012 by Kiyoko Wellisch
1.3 of xwax is out! xwax is really awesome. If you're a vinyl DJ and a linux user I certainly recommend checking it out

The announcement email on the mailing list

http://xwax.org/ - The homepage
http://wiki.xwax.org/ - The wiki, containing useful getting started information
Kiyoko Wellisch
Hey Monomer! I certainly do get around
Good to see another redditor here. I missed your last post, how are you finding xwax?

xwax 1.5 is out!

Highlights of this release:

* The music library is scanned in the background
* Crates can be re-scanned during a session
* Reduced CPU usage of the audio resampler

Woop woop
Shara Ingebrigtsen
Just compiled 1.4

Have yet to test this out, I went from Ubuntu 10.10 to 12.04, and lost the previous xwax install (1.1?)

I'm glad to see a wiki with a lot more explained, and more plugins! The install went smooth using an audio4dj, the only thing I forgot is that EVERYTHING is case-sensitive in Linux, and ~/music doesn't exist: but ~/Music indeed does. It's nice that it runs in the background in the terminal. Now all I need is some fresh Sereto records to get up and running, mine have seen better days.

MrPopinjay, you get around eh? Shout out from /r/djs!
Kiyoko Wellisch
xwax 1.5 beta 1 is out for testing.

Kiyoko Wellisch
The Audio 8 DJ is plug and play. It presents itself as 4 pairs of stereo inputs and there's a nice .asoundrc here which you may fine useful. http://www.pogo.org.uk/~mark/linuxdj/

You shouldn't need to install anything. I find that statement kind of odd- did you recompile your kernel? What do you mean by it shuts down?

Yeah, xwax basically doesn't have midi. Yet.
Jonathan Chiuchiolo
Hey popin, do you know anything about using an Audio 8 under linux? I have Installed the ASLA drivers and can play video's and music using it no problem, but when I tried it in mixxx it will shut down. I would try xwax but the midi isn't as good.
Kiyoko Wellisch
And Intel Atom with 2GB RAM is more than enough. Requirements are Pentium III 600 and 512 MB of RAM. You'll smoke it. No problem!

Tell me how you find it. Ask me, the IRC channel or the mailing list for help if you need it
Dj LsEx
I was gifted an old Asus Eee netbook. Not knowing what else really to do with it, I installed Debian, since I find you can't have enough Linux boxes around the house... I always need one for something eventually. I'm really, really excited to try out Xwax with an old M-Audio Conectiv on this when I get back home next week.

If all I need is vinyl control of two decks with low enough latency to back cue and beatmatch, why shouldn't an Intel Atom and 2GB of memory will be sufficient? I don't play out regularly anymore, so why should I keep hundreds of dollars in hardware interfaces and software licenses around? Xwax and a orphaned netbook seems like the perfect thing to keep on my mixing table since all I want to do anymore is mix records to relax once in a while.

I'll be back in this thread to share thoughts after I get back home and run it a few times. Hope some other people feel like coming in here and sharing experiences with what looks like the most promising open source DJ software around.
Kiyoko Wellisch
1.4 is out

A relatively small update, especially when you look at the other stuff that has been in development, like the midi and cue point stuff. Still, we're ready for the retina-display revolution :P

I'd like to try and get xwax running on a raspberry pi soon. That'd be cool.
Kiyoko Wellisch
Ooooh, scalable UI. Whenever the rest of the industry catches up with Apple and starts releasing high resolutions displays we will be ready

edit: oh, and I made a facebook group. lol
Kiyoko Wellisch

Holy crap, soon I might be able to run xwax off a smart phone! :O
Kiyoko Wellisch
There is now an xwax soundcloud group, currently it boasts an impressive 2 members


If you're a user (or a fan) I recommend joining and posting some xwax-y goodness.
Kiyoko Wellisch
Ewan made a video showing off xwax with his triggerfinger pretending to be a pair of dicers and scratching a live audio input using a few modified scripts (that he's kindly shared with us on the wiki)

Kiyoko Wellisch
louis@Pinky-MKII ~ $ screenfetch 
 MMm----::-://////////////oymNMd+`     OS: Mint maya x86_64
 MMd      /++                -sNMd:    Kernel: x86_64 Linux 3.2.0-23-generic
 MMNso/`  dMM    `.::-. .-::.` .hMN:   Uptime: 4h 42m
 ddddMMh  dMM   :hNMNMNhNMNMNh: `NMm   Packages: 2177
     NMm  dMM  .NMN/-+MMM+-/NMN` dMM   Shell: bash
     NMm  dMM  -MMm  `MMM   dMM. dMM   Resolution: 2560x1024
     NMm  dMM  -MMm  `MMM   dMM. dMM   DE: GNOME
     NMm  dMM  .mmd  `mmm   yMM. dMM   WM: Not Found
     NMm  dMM`  ..`   ...   ydm. dMM   WM Theme: Not Found
     hMM- +MMd/-------...-:sdds  dMM   GTK2 Theme: Mint-Z
     -NMm- :hNMNNNmdddddddddy/`  dMM   GTK3 Theme: Not Found
      -dMNs-``-::::-------.``    dMM   Icon Theme: Mint-X
       `/dMNmy+/:-------------:/yMMM   Font: Sans 10
          ./ydNMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM   CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i3-3220 CPU @ 3.30GHz
             \.MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM    RAM: 1681MB / 3894MB
louis@Pinky-MKII ~ $
That's my desktop, xwax with a buffer size of 8ms (the default), 2 decks in use and 7 min long tracks loaded into them xwax is using 12% of my processing power and using 170MB of RAM. Working happily while I surf the web and watch youtube videos at the same time (my buddy is mixing).

I wonder how many decks I could have before I started to have problems :P
Kiyoko Wellisch
I'm currently using one super oem and one tech 1210. They are both fine turntables

I slightly prefer the super oem though I believe most people are more into the technics.
Leota Dolney
Originally Posted by MrPopinjay
A DNX1700? Cool! It'd be great if we could confirm that it's soundcard plays nicely with linux (you can just plug it in and select it as a audio output with your desktop environment, right?) We could put together an .asoundrc file for it (which is something I don't know how to do but hey, gotta learn somehow) and then maybe even give it some midi control since we have generic midi controller support in early development atm.
Personally I dream about getting all the fancy current gen club mixers up and running so xwax can become pretty much plug and play with them. Maybe even make an extensive unified .asoundrc file and fancy xwax startup script that detects what soundcard you currently have plugged in and then launches xwax with the appropriate flags.
My laptop (which is my gigging machine) is a POS but it's wayyyy more than powerful enough for xwax.
Gotta love a single core 2.20GHz CPU
Kiyoko Wellisch
It's plug and play

The software mixer doesn't really work afaik but I've never used it, you can change from line to phono inputs with two lines I'll post below. It presents as 2 sub-devices, which I believe can cause some funny problems using it without an .asoundrc file with things like JACK and renoise if you want to use all the ins and outs but since xwax + ALSA wants device names for individual stereo pairs it works perfectly.

To set it to phono:
$ amixer -c Audio4DJ cset numid=1 0
To set it to line:
$ amixer -c Audio4DJ cset numid=1 1
A DNX1700? Cool! It'd be great if we could confirm that it's soundcard plays nicely with linux (you can just plug it in and select it as a audio output with your desktop environment, right?) We could put together an .asoundrc file for it (which is something I don't know how to do but hey, gotta learn somehow) and then maybe even give it some midi control since we have generic midi controller support in early development atm.
Personally I dream about getting all the fancy current gen club mixers up and running so xwax can become pretty much plug and play with them. Maybe even make an extensive unified .asoundrc file and fancy xwax startup script that detects what soundcard you currently have plugged in and then launches xwax with the appropriate flags.

My laptop (which is my gigging machine) is a POS but it's wayyyy more than powerful enough for xwax.

louis@louis-Lenovo-G550:~$ screenfetch
                  yyyyy- -yyyyyy+      louis@louis-Lenovo-G550
               ://+//////-yyyyyyo      OS: Ubuntu precise i686
           .++ .:/++++++/-.+sss/`      Kernel: i686 Linux 3.2.0-34-generic
         .:++o:  /++++++++/:--:/-      Uptime: 11h 51m
        o:+o+:++.`..```.-/oo+++++/     Packages: 1795
       .:+o:+o/.          `+sssoo+/    Shell: bash
  .++/+:+oo+o:`             /sssooo.   Resolution: 1366x768
 /+++//+:`oo+o               /::--:.   DE: XFCE
 \+/+o+++`o++o               ++////.   WM: Xfwm4
  .++.o+++oo+:`             /dddhhh.   WM Theme: Greybird-compact
       .+.o+oo:.          `oddhhhh+    GTK2 Theme: Greybird
        \+.++o+o``-````.:ohdhhhhh+     GTK3 Theme: Not Found
         `:o+++ `ohhhhhhhhyo++os:      Icon Theme: elementary-xfce-dark
           .o:`.syhhhhhhh/.oo++o`      Font: Droid Sans 10
               /osyyyyyyo++ooo+++/     CPU: Intel(R) Celeron(R) CPU 900 @ 2.20GHz
                   ````` +oo+++o\:     RAM: 875MB / 1975MB
Gotta love a single core 2.20GHz CPU
Leota Dolney
Originally Posted by MrPopinjay
1.3 of xwax is out! xwax is really awesome. If you're a vinyl DJ and a linux user I certainly recommend checking it out

The announcement email on the mailing list

http://xwax.org/ - The homepage
http://wiki.xwax.org/ - The wiki, containing useful getting started information
@MrPopinjay: I was just browsing around and saw your post on xwax and checked out your setup. I am interested in checking it out! I am a long-time Linux user and open-source supporter and definitely want to take a look. I have Traktor Scratch and a DN-X1700 mixer (scratch certified) but would definitely want to look into a minimal Linux DVS setup.

I see you use had (still have) the Audio 4. How do you find it, easy to use, install etc. on Linux? If I may ask, what are the hardware specs for your Linux machine?

Kiyoko Wellisch
Hello guys! I made a short videyuh on compiling and installing xwax.

edit: replaced with newer, better version. yeahh!
Edwina Fagel
I hope I will have time to test it this weekend.
Genoveva Bopp

I don't run Xwax ( will check it out again soon) but I'm a opensource supporter so any news from the opensource crowd is good.
Kiyoko Wellisch
Hi oddworld

Do you use xwax?
Genoveva Bopp
Kiyoko Wellisch
Ohh and I just got this email- exciting stuff


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