Reply to Buying new Headshells?

Buying new Headshells?
Since I bought my Technics second-hand, and they came with Ortofon Concorde cartridges, I've never owned any actual headshells. But now one of my Concordes has broken, and I've been wanting to get some Shure 447's, but this means I will need some headshells (unfortunately the M-447-H is not available around here)

Obviously I've been looking at original Technics headshell, but they're quite pricey around here. I'm not one to believe that headshells have an impact on sound, but a mate of mine claimed that cheaper headshells might have dodgy terminals and risk damaging the tonearm connections.

So I was just wondering, does anyone have experience with buying headshells? Do you have any recommendations or words of advice, what to watch out for etc?
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