Reply to Issue with CDJ 2000s, DJM 900 Nexus, and Traktor HID integration.
Home :: Oldschool - vinyl and disc Djs topic :: Issue with CDJ 2000s, DJM 900 Nexus, and Traktor HID integration. :: Reply
Issue with CDJ 2000s, DJM 900 Nexus, and Traktor HID integration. All have the latest firmware update. Traktor is showing "CDJ Aggregator" as the audio source. The CDJ on the left is se to player 1 and the on the right to player 2. Pioneer CDJ Out 2 and 3 is on Deck A, and Out 0 and 1 is on deck b, rather than how it should be (vice versa). Does anyone know how to fix this? Thanks! | |
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