Taking the s4 diary to the next level [tutorial]

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Taking the s4 diary to the next level [tutorial]
Posted on: 14.06.2011 by Breanne Axford
Hi DJTT! I'm DJ Trancicted and probably one off the youngest DJTT visitors. I'm 17 years old and studying computer engineering in Belgium. I rarely speak English so sorry if you see the worst English mistakes you've ever seen!

I saw the S4 Diary and I want to take it to the next level.
Because I'm just a student, I don't have the money for buying a laptop exceptionally for DJ'ing even the S4 took a big hole in my budget!

So, the s4 diary was a big help, but I also want my laptop for regular use without always have to check those settings so I've learned about batch files on my own.
I will teach you now how I used batch files to optimize my laptop for use with TP2.
For optimal use, I use 2 batch files. One to enable 'DJ Mode' and one to disable.

I've made a new batch file, based on the batch file from smiTTTen.
Everything from this thread has been added to it.
The code can you find in this post (http://www.djranking s.com/community /sho...333#post305333) and will be updated very often!

Some useful tools
  1. There are multiple ways to make a batch file, but I use Notepad ++. For me, it's a very good notepad replacement.
  2. Also, I store every batch file in dropbox (please use this link so I get a little credit of it) so I can access it over all my computers and even on the internet. Then I make a shortcut to it from my desktop. But more of that later.
  3. You will see, every time that I click on the batch file, I will defragmentate my RAM, for that, I use RAM Saver Pro.

@echo off
You can start the batch file with @echo off. This will let you view the batch file cleaner when executed.
I use it all the time!

When making this batch, it could be easy to use the 'pause' command sometimes. It will wait to resume with the next commands untill you hit a key. If nothing happens and the batch shows an error, you can read it now!

Disable the Wifi by using DevCon
DevCon isn't standard in your windows OS, that's why it needs to be installed. Clicking the DevCon link will bring you to the official Microsoft website where you can find the tutorial for the install.
Once installed, we need to search for the hardware ID of the wifi-card in the device manager.
Locate the wifi adapter first, click right and click 'properties'. Go to the tab Details and locate 'Hardware ID'

Here you can see the hardware ID's. Write down the 'DEV_****' number till the &-mark. That's the hardware ID we want to disable. Mine is DEV_002E.
To disable the wifi now, we write this in the batch file:
devcon disable *DEV_002E*
To undo this, we make another batch file (like "disable DJ mode") and write:
devcon enable *DEV_002E*
Defragmentate the RAM Memory
Now we will start RAM Saver Pro. When this program is started, it will automatically start defragmentating and will one last a couple off seconds. First the RAM usage will peak, this is normal!
To start the program, first install it and then write:
start "DJ enable" "C:\Program Files (x86)\WinTools Software\RAM Saver Professional\ramsaverpro.exe"
Note: This is the path for windows 7 x64. If you use x32, just delete the (x86) from the program files like:
start "DJ enable" "C:\Program Files\WinTools Software\RAM Saver Professional\ramsaverpro.exe"
If you want to start some other programs that will boost your computer. Just locate the .exe file off that program and write it down in the second part off the code.
To end the program, use this code, but more off that later!
Taskkill /im ramsaverpro.exe
Killing services
Like in the original s4 diary, Smittten showed how to disable services. We will do the same, but with 1 click!
First we will locate the service we want to stop. We can do that by following these steps:
Go to the Services Menu

Search for the service you want to stop, right click on it and go to properties.
The highlighted part is the service name, that's what we need now.

Go back to your batch file and write down:
net stop "[Service name here]"
net stop "avast! Antivirus"
To start the service again in the other batch file, use net start instead of net stop.
net start "[Service name here]"
Note that not every service may be stopped because stopping the wrong service can harm your computer.

Stopping programs
To run your computer even smoother, the last thing we gonna do is stopping some programs that you most off all have running.
My example now is Ram Saver pro, because we just installed it and run it for defragmentate our RAM. Off course, this program isn't needed to run when in a gig.
To see what programs are running, go to the task manager and click on the process tab.

Here are all the programs that are running. Note that not every program may be stopped because stopping the wrong program can harm your computer, but when you found a program just use it in the next code:
Taskkill /f /im [program name here].exe
for Ram Saver Pro:
Taskkill /f /im ramsaverpro.exe
I believe we are done now.
Every part of my batch file has been used now.
For example, this is my Enable DJ Mode.bat:
@echo off
devcon disable *DEV_002E*
start "DJ enable" "C:\Program Files (x86)\WinTools Software\RAM Saver Professional\ramsaverpro.exe"
net stop "Bonjour Service"
net stop "avast! Antivirus"
net stop "Apple Mobile Device"
net stop PnkBstrA
net stop TeamViewer6
net stop HPSLPSVC
net stop UNS
net stop NAUpdate
net stop wscsvc
net stop WinDefend
net stop WMPNetworkSvc
net stop WSearch
net stop wuauserv
net stop "iPod Service
Taskkill /f /im TeamViewer.exe
Taskkill /im firefox.exe
Taskkill /f /im uTorrent.exe
Taskkill /f /im Dropbox.exe
Taskkill /f /im steam.exe
Taskkill /f /im "AAM Updates Notifier.exe"
Taskkill /f /im AvastUI.exe
Taskkill /im ramsaverpro.exe
and this is my Disable DJ Mode.bat:
@echo off
devcon enable *DEV_002E*
start "DJ disable" "C:\Program Files (x86)\WinTools Software\RAM Saver Professional\ramsaverpro.exe"
net start "Bonjour Service"
net start "avast! Antivirus"
net start "Apple Mobile Device"
net start PnkBstrA
net start TeamViewer6
net start HPSLPSVC
net start UNS
net start NAUpdate
net start wscsvc
net start WinDefend
net start WMPNetworkSvc
net start WSearch
net start wuauserv
net start "iPod Service"
Taskkill /im ramsaverpro.exe
Now you can save you bath file everywhere you want. But be sure that the file extension is .bat and not .txt
Because I use dropbox a lot, I've stored it there and made a shortcut to it from my desktop.
That's easy, because now, I can edit the icon of it.

Have fun with making your batch files and I hope that you've learned a lot of this tutorial. If you have questions, ask them below
If you are home either in the batch world, please react to this thread with your code and use off it and I will update this post so we can make the best DJ batch file ever made for every Digital DJ!
Breanne Axford
I took the batch file from Smittten and improved it with some additional menus and commands:

Again, don't shoot me if I made some English language mistakes
@Echo off
ECHO. Welcome to the DJTT PC Optimizer 
ECHO. Press 1 if you want to optimize your laptop for a gig
ECHO. Press 2 if you want to restore everything for normal use
ECHO. Press 3 to quit
Set /p input=What do you want to do?

IF %Input% == 1 GOTO Optimize
IF %Input% == 2 GOTO Restore
IF %Input% == 3 GOTO Quit

ECHO. Optimizing your computer now!
rem Disabling your wifi
set /p hardwareID= What is the hardware ID of your Wifi card? Also make you have devcon installed! For instructions, visit http://www.djranking
devcon disable *%hardwareID%*

rem Defragmentating your RAM
start "DJ Script" "C:\Program Files (x86)\WinTools Software\RAM Saver Professional\ramsaverpro.exe"

rem Stopping Windows Firewall, Windows Defender and Avast!...
net stop mpssvc
net stop windefend
net stop "avast! Antivirus"

rem Stopping DHCP Client and Wireless LAN...
net stop WinHttpAutoProxySvc
net stop dhcp
net stop wlansvc

rem Stopping Other Network Related Services...
net stop "dns cache"
net stop netprofm
net stop nlasvc
net stop netman
net stop iphlpsvc
net stop lanmanworkstation
net stop "Bonjour Service"
net stop dhcp
net stop nsi
net stop lanmanserver
net stop lmhosts
net stop "shared access"
net stop nettcpportsharing
net stop remoteaccess
net stop alg
net stop bits
net stop peerdistsvc
net stop certpropsvc
net stop homegrouplistener
net stop homegroupprovider
net stop winrm
net stop Broswer
net stop TrkWks

rem Stopping other Windows Services...
net stop wscsvc
net stop DPS
net stop CscService
net stop WPDBusEnum
net stop ProtectedStorage
net stop RemoteRegistry
net stop seclogon
net stop wscsvc

rem Stopping Blue Tooth Services
net stop bthserv

rem Stopping Remote Desktop and Remote Assistance Services
net stop sessionenv
net stop termservice

rem Stopping Windows Update Services
net stop wuauserv

rem Stopping iPod Services
net stop "ipod service"
net stop "Apple Mobile Device"

rem Stopping Stuff that makes your PC look nice...
net stop themes
net stop sensrsvc
net stop AeLookupSvc
net stop UxSms

rem Stopping Scanner, Camera and other imaging Services...
net stop stisvc

rem Stopping Windows Media Playing Sharing...
net stop WMPnetworksvc

rem Stopping Tablet Device Support...
net stop tabletinputservice

rem Stopping Other Windows Services...
net stop bdesvc
net stop wbengine
net stop uiodetect
net stop defragsvc
net stop axinstsv
net stop "w32time"
net stop wercplsupport
net stop PnkBstrA
net stop TeamViewer6
net stop HPSLPSVC
net stop Wsearch
net stop osppsvc

rem Stopping Printer Services
net stop spooler

rem stopping useless programs
Taskkill /f /im TeamViewer.exe
Taskkill /im firefox.exe
Taskkill /f /im uTorrent.exe
Taskkill /f /im Dropbox.exe
Taskkill /f /im steam.exe
Taskkill /f /im "AAM Updates Notifier.exe"
Taskkill /f /im AvastUI.exe
Taskkill /f /im hpqtra08.exe
Taskkill /f /im hpwuschd2.exe
Taskkill /f /im ctfmon.exe

rem Stop defragmentating RAM
Taskkill /im ramsaverpro.exe

ECHO. Your PC has been optimized 
ECHO. Press 1 if you want to restore everything for normal use
ECHO. Press 2 to quit
Set /p input=What do you want to do?

IF %Input% == 1 GOTO Restore
IF %Input% == 2 GOTO Quit

ECHO. Restoring everything for normal use!
rem Enabling your wifi
set /p hardwareID= What is the hardware ID of your Wifi card? Also make you have devcon installed! For instructions, visit http://www.djranking
devcon enable *%hardwareID%*

rem Defragmentating your RAM
start "DJ Script" "C:\Program Files (x86)\WinTools Software\RAM Saver Professional\ramsaverpro.exe"

rem Starting Windows Firewall, Windows Defender and Avast!...
net start mpssvc
net start windefend
net start "avast! Antivirus"

rem Starting DHCP Client and Wireless LAN...
net start WinHttpAutoProxySvc
net start dhcp
net start wlansvc

rem Starting Other Network Related Services...
net start "dns cache"
net start netprofm
net start nlasvc
net start netman
net start iphlpsvc
net start lanmanworkstation
net start "Bonjour Service"
net start dhcp
net start nsi
net start lanmanserver
net start lmhosts
net start "shared access"
net start nettcpportsharing
net start remoteaccess
net start alg
net start bits
net start peerdistsvc
net start certpropsvc
net start homegrouplistener
net start homegroupprovider
net start winrm
net start Broswer
net start TrkWks

rem Starting other Windows Services...
net start wscsvc
net start DPS
net start CscService
net start WPDBusEnum
net start ProtectedStorage
net start RemoteRegistry
net start seclogon
net start wscsvc
net start osppsvc

rem Starting Blue Tooth Services
net start bthserv

rem Starting Remote Desktop and Remote Assistance Services
net start sessionenv
net start termservice

rem Starting Windows Update Service
net start wuauserv

rem Starting iPod Services
net start "ipod service"
net start "Apple Mobile Device"

rem Starting Stuff that makes your PC look nice...
net start themes
net start sensrsvc
net start AeLookupSvc
net start UxSms

rem Starting Scanner, Camera and other imaging Services...
net start stisvc

rem Starting Windows Media Playing Sharing...
net start WMPnetworksvc

rem Starting Tablet Device Support...
net start tabletinputservice

rem Starting Other Windows Services...
net start bdesvc
net start wbengine
net start uiodetect
net start defragsvc
net start axinstsv
net start "w32time"
net start wercplsupport
net start PnkBstrA
net start TeamViewer6
net start HPSLPSVC
net start Wsearch

rem Starting Printer Services
net start spooler

rem Stop RAM Defragmentation
Taskkill /im ramsaverpro.exe

ECHO. Your PC has been restored
ECHO. Press 1 if you want to optimize your laptop for a gig
ECHO. Press 2 to quit
Set /p input=What do you want to do?

IF %Input% == 1 GOTO Optimize
IF %Input% == 2 GOTO Quit

tested it on my laptop today and I runned windows 7(x64) Ultimate on only 560 mb RAM with this!
Latency = max 230
Breanne Axford
I took the batch file from Smittten and improved it with some additional menus and commands:

Again, don't shoot me if I made some English language mistakes
@Echo off
ECHO. Welcome to the DJTT PC Optimizer 
ECHO. Press 1 if you want to optimize your laptop for a gig
ECHO. Press 2 if you want to restore everything for normal use
ECHO. Press 3 to quit
Set /p input=What do you want to do?

IF %Input% == 1 GOTO Optimize
IF %Input% == 2 GOTO Restore
IF %Input% == 3 GOTO Quit

ECHO. Optimizing your computer now!
rem Disabling your wifi
set /p hardwareID= What is the hardware ID of your Wifi card? Also make you have devcon installed! For instructions, visit http://www.djranking
devcon disable *%hardwareID%*

rem Defragmentating your RAM
start "DJ Script" "C:\Program Files (x86)\WinTools Software\RAM Saver Professional\ramsaverpro.exe"

rem Stopping Windows Firewall, Windows Defender and Avast!...
net stop mpssvc
net stop windefend
net stop "avast! Antivirus"

rem Stopping DHCP Client and Wireless LAN...
net stop WinHttpAutoProxySvc
net stop dhcp
net stop wlansvc

rem Stopping Other Network Related Services...
net stop "dns cache"
net stop netprofm
net stop nlasvc
net stop netman
net stop iphlpsvc
net stop lanmanworkstation
net stop "Bonjour Service"
net stop dhcp
net stop nsi
net stop lanmanserver
net stop lmhosts
net stop "shared access"
net stop nettcpportsharing
net stop remoteaccess
net stop alg
net stop bits
net stop peerdistsvc
net stop certpropsvc
net stop homegrouplistener
net stop homegroupprovider
net stop winrm
net stop Broswer
net stop TrkWks

rem Stopping other Windows Services...
net stop wscsvc
net stop DPS
net stop CscService
net stop WPDBusEnum
net stop ProtectedStorage
net stop RemoteRegistry
net stop seclogon
net stop wscsvc

rem Stopping Blue Tooth Services
net stop bthserv

rem Stopping Remote Desktop and Remote Assistance Services
net stop sessionenv
net stop termservice

rem Stopping Windows Update Services
net stop wuauserv

rem Stopping iPod Services
net stop "ipod service"
net stop "Apple Mobile Device"

rem Stopping Stuff that makes your PC look nice...
net stop themes
net stop sensrsvc
net stop AeLookupSvc
net stop UxSms

rem Stopping Scanner, Camera and other imaging Services...
net stop stisvc

rem Stopping Windows Media Playing Sharing...
net stop WMPnetworksvc

rem Stopping Tablet Device Support...
net stop tabletinputservice

rem Stopping Other Windows Services...
net stop bdesvc
net stop wbengine
net stop uiodetect
net stop defragsvc
net stop axinstsv
net stop "w32time"
net stop wercplsupport
net stop PnkBstrA
net stop TeamViewer6
net stop HPSLPSVC
net stop Wsearch
net stop osppsvc

rem Stopping Printer Services
net stop spooler

rem stopping useless programs
Taskkill /f /im TeamViewer.exe
Taskkill /im firefox.exe
Taskkill /f /im uTorrent.exe
Taskkill /f /im Dropbox.exe
Taskkill /f /im steam.exe
Taskkill /f /im "AAM Updates Notifier.exe"
Taskkill /f /im AvastUI.exe
Taskkill /f /im hpqtra08.exe
Taskkill /f /im hpwuschd2.exe
Taskkill /f /im ctfmon.exe

rem Stop defragmentating RAM
Taskkill /im ramsaverpro.exe

ECHO. Your PC has been optimized 
ECHO. Press 1 if you want to restore everything for normal use
ECHO. Press 2 to quit
Set /p input=What do you want to do?

IF %Input% == 1 GOTO Restore
IF %Input% == 2 GOTO Quit

ECHO. Restoring everything for normal use!
rem Enabling your wifi
set /p hardwareID= What is the hardware ID of your Wifi card? Also make you have devcon installed! For instructions, visit http://www.djranking
devcon enable *%hardwareID%*

rem Defragmentating your RAM
start "DJ Script" "C:\Program Files (x86)\WinTools Software\RAM Saver Professional\ramsaverpro.exe"

rem Starting Windows Firewall, Windows Defender and Avast!...
net start mpssvc
net start windefend
net start "avast! Antivirus"

rem Starting DHCP Client and Wireless LAN...
net start WinHttpAutoProxySvc
net start dhcp
net start wlansvc

rem Starting Other Network Related Services...
net start "dns cache"
net start netprofm
net start nlasvc
net start netman
net start iphlpsvc
net start lanmanworkstation
net start "Bonjour Service"
net start dhcp
net start nsi
net start lanmanserver
net start lmhosts
net start "shared access"
net start nettcpportsharing
net start remoteaccess
net start alg
net start bits
net start peerdistsvc
net start certpropsvc
net start homegrouplistener
net start homegroupprovider
net start winrm
net start Broswer
net start TrkWks

rem Starting other Windows Services...
net start wscsvc
net start DPS
net start CscService
net start WPDBusEnum
net start ProtectedStorage
net start RemoteRegistry
net start seclogon
net start wscsvc
net start osppsvc

rem Starting Blue Tooth Services
net start bthserv

rem Starting Remote Desktop and Remote Assistance Services
net start sessionenv
net start termservice

rem Starting Windows Update Service
net start wuauserv

rem Starting iPod Services
net start "ipod service"
net start "Apple Mobile Device"

rem Starting Stuff that makes your PC look nice...
net start themes
net start sensrsvc
net start AeLookupSvc
net start UxSms

rem Starting Scanner, Camera and other imaging Services...
net start stisvc

rem Starting Windows Media Playing Sharing...
net start WMPnetworksvc

rem Starting Tablet Device Support...
net start tabletinputservice

rem Starting Other Windows Services...
net start bdesvc
net start wbengine
net start uiodetect
net start defragsvc
net start axinstsv
net start "w32time"
net start wercplsupport
net start PnkBstrA
net start TeamViewer6
net start HPSLPSVC
net start Wsearch

rem Starting Printer Services
net start spooler

rem Stop RAM Defragmentation
Taskkill /im ramsaverpro.exe

ECHO. Your PC has been restored
ECHO. Press 1 if you want to optimize your laptop for a gig
ECHO. Press 2 to quit
Set /p input=What do you want to do?

IF %Input% == 1 GOTO Optimize
IF %Input% == 2 GOTO Quit

tested it on my laptop today and I runned windows 7(x64) Ultimate on only 560 mb RAM with this!
Latency = max 230
Breanne Axford
Originally Posted by smittten
Good Work. Might be helpful if you could summarize the improvements that have been made. In fact, we didn't do a great job on the explaining the actions of the script to begin with so any info would be useful.
Ok, will do this in a few days. Also, is there a kind of a blog so we can store the batch file there so we can put it on the first post together with all the improvements and functions??
And damn, I'am just believeing of it, I made the devcon command only to work with my Wifi, I'am going to put a variable in it...

Update: made a variable in it for the wifi disable
Breanne Axford
I took the batch file from Smittten and improved it with some additional menus and commands:

Again, don't shoot me if I made some English language mistakes
@Echo off
ECHO. Welcome to the DJTT PC Optimizer 
ECHO. Press 1 if you want to optimize your laptop for a gig
ECHO. Press 2 if you want to restore everything for normal use
ECHO. Press 3 to quit
Set /p input=What do you want to do?

IF %Input% == 1 GOTO Optimize
IF %Input% == 2 GOTO Restore
IF %Input% == 3 GOTO Quit

ECHO. Optimizing your computer now!
rem Disabling your wifi
set /p hardwareID= What is the hardware ID of your Wifi card? Also make you have devcon installed! For instructions, visit http://www.djranking
devcon disable *%hardwareID%*

rem Defragmentating your RAM
start "DJ Script" "C:\Program Files (x86)\WinTools Software\RAM Saver Professional\ramsaverpro.exe"

rem Stopping Windows Firewall, Windows Defender and Avast!...
net stop mpssvc
net stop windefend
net stop "avast! Antivirus"

rem Stopping DHCP Client and Wireless LAN...
net stop WinHttpAutoProxySvc
net stop dhcp
net stop wlansvc

rem Stopping Other Network Related Services...
net stop "dns cache"
net stop netprofm
net stop nlasvc
net stop netman
net stop iphlpsvc
net stop lanmanworkstation
net stop "Bonjour Service"
net stop dhcp
net stop nsi
net stop lanmanserver
net stop lmhosts
net stop "shared access"
net stop nettcpportsharing
net stop remoteaccess
net stop alg
net stop bits
net stop peerdistsvc
net stop certpropsvc
net stop homegrouplistener
net stop homegroupprovider
net stop winrm
net stop Broswer
net stop TrkWks

rem Stopping other Windows Services...
net stop wscsvc
net stop DPS
net stop CscService
net stop WPDBusEnum
net stop ProtectedStorage
net stop RemoteRegistry
net stop seclogon
net stop wscsvc

rem Stopping Blue Tooth Services
net stop bthserv

rem Stopping Remote Desktop and Remote Assistance Services
net stop sessionenv
net stop termservice

rem Stopping Windows Update Services
net stop wuauserv

rem Stopping iPod Services
net stop "ipod service"
net stop "Apple Mobile Device"

rem Stopping Stuff that makes your PC look nice...
net stop themes
net stop sensrsvc
net stop AeLookupSvc
net stop UxSms

rem Stopping Scanner, Camera and other imaging Services...
net stop stisvc

rem Stopping Windows Media Playing Sharing...
net stop WMPnetworksvc

rem Stopping Tablet Device Support...
net stop tabletinputservice

rem Stopping Other Windows Services...
net stop bdesvc
net stop wbengine
net stop uiodetect
net stop defragsvc
net stop axinstsv
net stop "w32time"
net stop wercplsupport
net stop PnkBstrA
net stop TeamViewer6
net stop HPSLPSVC
net stop Wsearch
net stop osppsvc

rem Stopping Printer Services
net stop spooler

rem stopping useless programs
Taskkill /f /im TeamViewer.exe
Taskkill /im firefox.exe
Taskkill /f /im uTorrent.exe
Taskkill /f /im Dropbox.exe
Taskkill /f /im steam.exe
Taskkill /f /im "AAM Updates Notifier.exe"
Taskkill /f /im AvastUI.exe
Taskkill /f /im hpqtra08.exe
Taskkill /f /im hpwuschd2.exe
Taskkill /f /im ctfmon.exe

rem Stop defragmentating RAM
Taskkill /im ramsaverpro.exe

ECHO. Your PC has been optimized 
ECHO. Press 1 if you want to restore everything for normal use
ECHO. Press 2 to quit
Set /p input=What do you want to do?

IF %Input% == 1 GOTO Restore
IF %Input% == 2 GOTO Quit

ECHO. Restoring everything for normal use!
rem Enabling your wifi
set /p hardwareID= What is the hardware ID of your Wifi card? Also make you have devcon installed! For instructions, visit http://www.djranking
devcon enable *%hardwareID%*

rem Defragmentating your RAM
start "DJ Script" "C:\Program Files (x86)\WinTools Software\RAM Saver Professional\ramsaverpro.exe"

rem Starting Windows Firewall, Windows Defender and Avast!...
net start mpssvc
net start windefend
net start "avast! Antivirus"

rem Starting DHCP Client and Wireless LAN...
net start WinHttpAutoProxySvc
net start dhcp
net start wlansvc

rem Starting Other Network Related Services...
net start "dns cache"
net start netprofm
net start nlasvc
net start netman
net start iphlpsvc
net start lanmanworkstation
net start "Bonjour Service"
net start dhcp
net start nsi
net start lanmanserver
net start lmhosts
net start "shared access"
net start nettcpportsharing
net start remoteaccess
net start alg
net start bits
net start peerdistsvc
net start certpropsvc
net start homegrouplistener
net start homegroupprovider
net start winrm
net start Broswer
net start TrkWks

rem Starting other Windows Services...
net start wscsvc
net start DPS
net start CscService
net start WPDBusEnum
net start ProtectedStorage
net start RemoteRegistry
net start seclogon
net start wscsvc
net start osppsvc

rem Starting Blue Tooth Services
net start bthserv

rem Starting Remote Desktop and Remote Assistance Services
net start sessionenv
net start termservice

rem Starting Windows Update Service
net start wuauserv

rem Starting iPod Services
net start "ipod service"
net start "Apple Mobile Device"

rem Starting Stuff that makes your PC look nice...
net start themes
net start sensrsvc
net start AeLookupSvc
net start UxSms

rem Starting Scanner, Camera and other imaging Services...
net start stisvc

rem Starting Windows Media Playing Sharing...
net start WMPnetworksvc

rem Starting Tablet Device Support...
net start tabletinputservice

rem Starting Other Windows Services...
net start bdesvc
net start wbengine
net start uiodetect
net start defragsvc
net start axinstsv
net start "w32time"
net start wercplsupport
net start PnkBstrA
net start TeamViewer6
net start HPSLPSVC
net start Wsearch

rem Starting Printer Services
net start spooler

rem Stop RAM Defragmentation
Taskkill /im ramsaverpro.exe

ECHO. Your PC has been restored
ECHO. Press 1 if you want to optimize your laptop for a gig
ECHO. Press 2 to quit
Set /p input=What do you want to do?

IF %Input% == 1 GOTO Optimize
IF %Input% == 2 GOTO Quit

tested it on my laptop today and I runned windows 7(x64) Ultimate on only 560 mb RAM with this!
Latency = max 230
Christal Jonason
Originally Posted by fullenglishpint
epic post! Thanks a lot for sharing, I'm sure a lot of people will find this useful.
Breanne Axford
Hi DJTT! I'm DJ Trancicted and probably one off the youngest DJTT visitors. I'm 17 years old and studying computer engineering in Belgium. I rarely speak English so sorry if you see the worst English mistakes you've ever seen!

I saw the S4 Diary and I want to take it to the next level.
Because I'm just a student, I don't have the money for buying a laptop exceptionally for DJ'ing even the S4 took a big hole in my budget!

So, the s4 diary was a big help, but I also want my laptop for regular use without always have to check those settings so I've learned about batch files on my own.
I will teach you now how I used batch files to optimize my laptop for use with TP2.
For optimal use, I use 2 batch files. One to enable 'DJ Mode' and one to disable.

I've made a new batch file, based on the batch file from smiTTTen.
Everything from this thread has been added to it.
The code can you find in this post (http://www.djranking s.com/community /sho...333#post305333) and will be updated very often!

Some useful tools
  1. There are multiple ways to make a batch file, but I use Notepad ++. For me, it's a very good notepad replacement.
  2. Also, I store every batch file in dropbox (please use this link so I get a little credit of it) so I can access it over all my computers and even on the internet. Then I make a shortcut to it from my desktop. But more of that later.
  3. You will see, every time that I click on the batch file, I will defragmentate my RAM, for that, I use RAM Saver Pro.

@echo off
You can start the batch file with @echo off. This will let you view the batch file cleaner when executed.
I use it all the time!

When making this batch, it could be easy to use the 'pause' command sometimes. It will wait to resume with the next commands untill you hit a key. If nothing happens and the batch shows an error, you can read it now!

Disable the Wifi by using DevCon
DevCon isn't standard in your windows OS, that's why it needs to be installed. Clicking the DevCon link will bring you to the official Microsoft website where you can find the tutorial for the install.
Once installed, we need to search for the hardware ID of the wifi-card in the device manager.
Locate the wifi adapter first, click right and click 'properties'. Go to the tab Details and locate 'Hardware ID'

Here you can see the hardware ID's. Write down the 'DEV_****' number till the &-mark. That's the hardware ID we want to disable. Mine is DEV_002E.
To disable the wifi now, we write this in the batch file:
devcon disable *DEV_002E*
To undo this, we make another batch file (like "disable DJ mode") and write:
devcon enable *DEV_002E*
Defragmentate the RAM Memory
Now we will start RAM Saver Pro. When this program is started, it will automatically start defragmentating and will one last a couple off seconds. First the RAM usage will peak, this is normal!
To start the program, first install it and then write:
start "DJ enable" "C:\Program Files (x86)\WinTools Software\RAM Saver Professional\ramsaverpro.exe"
Note: This is the path for windows 7 x64. If you use x32, just delete the (x86) from the program files like:
start "DJ enable" "C:\Program Files\WinTools Software\RAM Saver Professional\ramsaverpro.exe"
If you want to start some other programs that will boost your computer. Just locate the .exe file off that program and write it down in the second part off the code.
To end the program, use this code, but more off that later!
Taskkill /im ramsaverpro.exe
Killing services
Like in the original s4 diary, Smittten showed how to disable services. We will do the same, but with 1 click!
First we will locate the service we want to stop. We can do that by following these steps:
Go to the Services Menu

Search for the service you want to stop, right click on it and go to properties.
The highlighted part is the service name, that's what we need now.

Go back to your batch file and write down:
net stop "[Service name here]"
net stop "avast! Antivirus"
To start the service again in the other batch file, use net start instead of net stop.
net start "[Service name here]"
Note that not every service may be stopped because stopping the wrong service can harm your computer.

Stopping programs
To run your computer even smoother, the last thing we gonna do is stopping some programs that you most off all have running.
My example now is Ram Saver pro, because we just installed it and run it for defragmentate our RAM. Off course, this program isn't needed to run when in a gig.
To see what programs are running, go to the task manager and click on the process tab.

Here are all the programs that are running. Note that not every program may be stopped because stopping the wrong program can harm your computer, but when you found a program just use it in the next code:
Taskkill /f /im [program name here].exe
for Ram Saver Pro:
Taskkill /f /im ramsaverpro.exe
I believe we are done now.
Every part of my batch file has been used now.
For example, this is my Enable DJ Mode.bat:
@echo off
devcon disable *DEV_002E*
start "DJ enable" "C:\Program Files (x86)\WinTools Software\RAM Saver Professional\ramsaverpro.exe"
net stop "Bonjour Service"
net stop "avast! Antivirus"
net stop "Apple Mobile Device"
net stop PnkBstrA
net stop TeamViewer6
net stop HPSLPSVC
net stop UNS
net stop NAUpdate
net stop wscsvc
net stop WinDefend
net stop WMPNetworkSvc
net stop WSearch
net stop wuauserv
net stop "iPod Service
Taskkill /f /im TeamViewer.exe
Taskkill /im firefox.exe
Taskkill /f /im uTorrent.exe
Taskkill /f /im Dropbox.exe
Taskkill /f /im steam.exe
Taskkill /f /im "AAM Updates Notifier.exe"
Taskkill /f /im AvastUI.exe
Taskkill /im ramsaverpro.exe
and this is my Disable DJ Mode.bat:
@echo off
devcon enable *DEV_002E*
start "DJ disable" "C:\Program Files (x86)\WinTools Software\RAM Saver Professional\ramsaverpro.exe"
net start "Bonjour Service"
net start "avast! Antivirus"
net start "Apple Mobile Device"
net start PnkBstrA
net start TeamViewer6
net start HPSLPSVC
net start UNS
net start NAUpdate
net start wscsvc
net start WinDefend
net start WMPNetworkSvc
net start WSearch
net start wuauserv
net start "iPod Service"
Taskkill /im ramsaverpro.exe
Now you can save you bath file everywhere you want. But be sure that the file extension is .bat and not .txt
Because I use dropbox a lot, I've stored it there and made a shortcut to it from my desktop.
That's easy, because now, I can edit the icon of it.

Have fun with making your batch files and I hope that you've learned a lot of this tutorial. If you have questions, ask them below
If you are home either in the batch world, please react to this thread with your code and use off it and I will update this post so we can make the best DJ batch file ever made for every Digital DJ!
Breanne Axford
Version 1.30 is here!

Improved performance, stability and compatibility
Automatic UAC removal
Improved RamSaverPro setup
Removed Devcon
Added more services to be disabled
@Echo off
if exist C:\Users\%Username%\DJbatch.txt goto menu
start reg.exe ADD HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System /v EnableLUA /t REG_DWORD /d 0 /f 
Echo Don't delete this file! The Ultimate Dj Batch file needs it to run fine! >> C:\Users\%Username%\DJbatch.txt
ECHO. Welcome to the DJTT PC Optimizer v1.30
ECHO. Press 1 if you want to optimize your laptop for a gig
ECHO. Press 2 if you want to restore everything for normal use
echo. Press 3 if you want to install RAM Saver Pro
ECHO. Press 4 to quit
Set /p input=What do you want to do?
IF %Input% == 1 GOTO Optimize
IF %Input% == 2 GOTO Restore
IF %Input% == 3 GOTO Install
IF %Input% == 4 Goto Quit 
ECHO. If needed, you have to click on download! We will continue soon! 
start http://www65.zippyshare.com/d/30032647/19/ramsaverpro.exe
ping -n 1 -w 30000 > nul
Echo. The Ram Saver pro installer will be launched now! Install the program as usual!
if not exist "C:\Users\%Username%\Downloads\ramsaverpro.exe" goto error
if exist "C:\Users\%Username%\Downloads\ramsaverpro.exe" start C:\Users\%Username%\Downloads\ramsaverpro.exe
ping -n 1 -w 25000 > nul
ECHO. Ram Saver Pro has been installed
ECHO. Press 1 if you want to optimize your laptop for a gig
ECHO. Press 2 if you want to restore everything for normal use
ECHO. Press 3 to quit
Set /p input=What do you want to do?
IF %Input% == 1 GOTO Optimize
IF %Input% == 2 GOTO Restore
IF %Input% == 3 Goto Quit 
ECHO I can't find the installer of RamSaver Pro, please locate your installer and install the program as usual
goto menu
ECHO. Optimizing your computer now!
rem Defragmentating your RAM
start "DJ Script" "C:\Program Files (x86)\WinTools Software\RAM Saver Professional\ramsaverpro.exe"
rem Stopping Windows Firewall, Windows Defender and Avast!...
net stop mpssvc /yes
net stop windefend /yes
net stop "avast! Antivirus" /yes
rem Stopping DHCP Client, Wireless LAN and Bluetooth...
net stop WinHttpAutoProxySvc /yes
net stop dhcp /yes
net stop wlansvc /yes
net stop btwdins /yes
rem Stopping Other Network Related Services...
net stop "dns cache" /yes
net stop netprofm /yes
net stop nlasvc /yes
net stop netman /yes
net stop iphlpsvc /yes
net stop lanmanworkstation /yes
net stop "Bonjour Service" /yes
net stop dhcp /yes
net stop nsi /yes
net stop lanmanserver /yes
net stop lmhosts /yes
net stop "shared access" /yes
net stop nettcpportsharing /yes
net stop remoteaccess /yes
net stop alg /yes
net stop bits /yes
net stop "peerdists vc" /yes
net stop certpropsvc /yes
net stop homegrouplistener /yes
net stop homegroupprovider /yes
net stop winrm /yes
net stop Broswer /yes
net stop TrkWks /yes
rem Stopping other Windows Services...
net stop wscsvc /yes
net stop DPS /yes
net stop CscService /yes
net stop WPDBusEnum /yes
net stop ProtectedStorage /yes
net stop RemoteRegistry /yes
net stop seclogon /yes
net stop wscsvc /yes
rem Stopping Blue Tooth Services
net stop bthserv /yes
rem Stopping Remote Desktop and Remote Assistance Services
net stop sessionenv /yes
net stop termservice /yes
rem Stopping Windows Update Services
net stop wuauserv /yes
rem Stopping iPod Services
net stop "ipod service" /yes
net stop "Apple Mobile Device" /yes
rem Stopping Stuff that makes your PC look nice...
net stop themes /yes
net stop sensrsvc /yes
net stop AeLookupSvc /yes
net stop UxSms /yes
rem Stopping Scanner, Camera and other imaging Services...
net stop stisvc /yes
net stop hpqddsvc /yes
net stop hpslpsvc /yes
rem Stopping Windows Media Playing Sharing...
net stop WMPnetworksvc /yes
rem Stopping Tablet Device Support...
net stop tabletinputservice /yes
rem Stopping Other Windows Services...
net stop bdesvc /yes
net stop wbengine /yes
net stop uiodetect /yes
net stop defragsvc /yes
net stop axinstsv /yes
net stop "w32time" /yes
net stop wercplsupport /yes
net stop PnkBstrA /yes
net stop TeamViewer6 /yes
net stop HPSLPSVC /yes
net stop Wsearch /yes
net stop NAUpdate /yes
rem Stopping Printer Services
net stop spooler /yes
rem stopping useless programs
Taskkill /f /im TeamViewer.exe
Taskkill /im firefox.exe
Taskkill /f /im uTorrent.exe
Taskkill /f /im Dropbox.exe
Taskkill /f /im steam.exe
Taskkill /f /im "AAM Updates Notifier.exe"
Taskkill /f /im AvastUI.exe
Taskkill /f /im BTTray.exe
Taskkill /f /im hpqtra08.exe
Taskkill /f /im hpwuschd2.exe 
Taskkill /f /im iexplorer.exe
rem Stop defragmentating RAM
Taskkill /im ramsaverpro.exe
ECHO. Your PC has been optimized 
ECHO. Press 1 if you want to restore everything for normal use
ECHO. Press 2 to quit
Set /p input=What do you want to do?
IF %Input% == 1 GOTO Restore
IF %Input% == 2 GOTO Quit
ECHO. Restoring everything for normal use!
rem Defragmentating your RAM
if exist "C:\Program Files\WinTools Software\RAM Saver Professional\ramsaverpro.exe" start "DJ Script" "C:\Program Files\WinTools Software\RAM Saver Professional\ramsaverpro.exe"
if exist "C:\Program Files (x86)\WinTools Software\RAM Saver Professional\ramsaverpro.exe" start "DJ Script" "C:\Program Files (x86)\WinTools Software\RAM Saver Professional\ramsaverpro.exe"
rem Starting Windows Firewall, Windows Defender and Avast!...
net start mpssvc
net start windefend
net start "avast! Antivirus"
rem Starting DHCP Client, Bluetooth and Wireless LAN...
net start WinHttpAutoProxySvc
net start dhcp
net start wlansvc
net start btwdins
rem Starting Other Network Related Services...
net start "dns cache"
net start netprofm
net start nlasvc
net start netman
net start iphlpsvc
net start lanmanworkstation
net start "Bonjour Service"
net start dhcp
net start nsi
net start lanmanserver
net start lmhosts
net start "shared access"
net start nettcpportsharing
net start remoteaccess
net start alg
net start bits
net start peerdistsvc
net start certpropsvc
net start homegrouplistener
net start homegroupprovider
net start winrm
net start Broswer
net start TrkWks
rem Starting other Windows Services...
net start wscsvc
net start DPS
net start CscService
net start WPDBusEnum
net start ProtectedStorage
net start RemoteRegistry
net start seclogon
net start wscsvc
net start osppsvc
rem Starting Blue Tooth Services
net start bthserv
rem Starting Remote Desktop and Remote Assistance Services
net start sessionenv
net start termservice
rem Starting Windows Update Service
net start wuauserv
rem Starting iPod Services
net start "ipod service"
net start "Apple Mobile Device"
rem Starting Stuff that makes your PC look nice...
net start themes
net start sensrsvc
net start AeLookupSvc
net start UxSms
rem Starting Scanner, Camera and other imaging Services...
net start stisvc
net start hpqddsvc
net start hpslpsvc
rem Starting Windows Media Playing Sharing...
net start WMPnetworksvc
rem Starting Tablet Device Support...
net start tabletinputservice
rem Starting Other Windows Services...
net start bdesvc
net start wbengine
net start uiodetect
net start defragsvc
net start axinstsv
net start "w32time"
net start wercplsupport
net start PnkBstrA
net start TeamViewer6
net start HPSLPSVC
net start Wsearch
rem Starting Printer Services
net start spooler
rem Stop RAM Defragmentation
Taskkill /im ramsaverpro.exe
ECHO. Your PC has been restored
ECHO. Press 1 if you want to optimize your laptop for a gig
ECHO. Press 2 to quit
Set /p input=What do you want to do?
IF %Input% == 1 GOTO Optimize
IF %Input% == 2 GOTO Quit
ECHO. Thanks for using this! Credits to SmiTTTen - DJ Trancicted - Stashe
ping -n 1 -w 5000 > nul
Breanne Axford
No problem
Len Lukawski
I just pasted it to the original sticky:
http://www.djranking s.com/community /sho...d=1#post307701

I will also create a long term home for it on my site. Stay tuned for more details.

Trancicted: Good work again fella, just had to edit a few details on the credits
Carlee Roarke
it says its unavailable
Breanne Axford
This batch file does the following things:
It disables/enables your Wifi card with devcon (see instructions on first post).
It disables/enables services and some processes you don't need to run.
It helps you with the Ram Saver Pro installation so when you want to optimize you pc, it can automaticly defragmentate your RAM.
If you don't want to use devcon, just press enter

This is the best batch file for DDJ's so your PC won't have latency problems again and you can keep using your PC for normal use!
You don't need a seperate laptop anymore, optimized for DJ'ing only!

Note: when the batch file has been updated, the version nr on the first menu will change!

I've putted this on facebook so it's easier to me for changing it!
Breanne Axford
Originally Posted by smittten
Good Work. Might be helpful if you could summarize the improvements that have been made. In fact, we didn't do a great job on the explaining the actions of the script to begin with so any info would be useful.
Ok, will do this in a few days. Also, is there a kind of a blog so we can store the batch file there so we can put it on the first post together with all the improvements and functions??
And damn, I'am just believeing of it, I made the devcon command only to work with my Wifi, I'am going to put a variable in it...

Update: made a variable in it for the wifi disable
Len Lukawski
Good Work. Might be helpful if you could summarize the improvements that have been made. In fact, we didn't do a great job on the explaining the actions of the script to begin with so any info would be useful.
Breanne Axford
I took the batch file from Smittten and improved it with some additional menus and commands:

Again, don't shoot me if I made some English language mistakes
@Echo off
ECHO. Welcome to the DJTT PC Optimizer 
ECHO. Press 1 if you want to optimize your laptop for a gig
ECHO. Press 2 if you want to restore everything for normal use
ECHO. Press 3 to quit
Set /p input=What do you want to do?

IF %Input% == 1 GOTO Optimize
IF %Input% == 2 GOTO Restore
IF %Input% == 3 GOTO Quit

ECHO. Optimizing your computer now!
rem Disabling your wifi
set /p hardwareID= What is the hardware ID of your Wifi card? Also make you have devcon installed! For instructions, visit http://www.djranking
devcon disable *%hardwareID%*

rem Defragmentating your RAM
start "DJ Script" "C:\Program Files (x86)\WinTools Software\RAM Saver Professional\ramsaverpro.exe"

rem Stopping Windows Firewall, Windows Defender and Avast!...
net stop mpssvc
net stop windefend
net stop "avast! Antivirus"

rem Stopping DHCP Client and Wireless LAN...
net stop WinHttpAutoProxySvc
net stop dhcp
net stop wlansvc

rem Stopping Other Network Related Services...
net stop "dns cache"
net stop netprofm
net stop nlasvc
net stop netman
net stop iphlpsvc
net stop lanmanworkstation
net stop "Bonjour Service"
net stop dhcp
net stop nsi
net stop lanmanserver
net stop lmhosts
net stop "shared access"
net stop nettcpportsharing
net stop remoteaccess
net stop alg
net stop bits
net stop peerdistsvc
net stop certpropsvc
net stop homegrouplistener
net stop homegroupprovider
net stop winrm
net stop Broswer
net stop TrkWks

rem Stopping other Windows Services...
net stop wscsvc
net stop DPS
net stop CscService
net stop WPDBusEnum
net stop ProtectedStorage
net stop RemoteRegistry
net stop seclogon
net stop wscsvc

rem Stopping Blue Tooth Services
net stop bthserv

rem Stopping Remote Desktop and Remote Assistance Services
net stop sessionenv
net stop termservice

rem Stopping Windows Update Services
net stop wuauserv

rem Stopping iPod Services
net stop "ipod service"
net stop "Apple Mobile Device"

rem Stopping Stuff that makes your PC look nice...
net stop themes
net stop sensrsvc
net stop AeLookupSvc
net stop UxSms

rem Stopping Scanner, Camera and other imaging Services...
net stop stisvc

rem Stopping Windows Media Playing Sharing...
net stop WMPnetworksvc

rem Stopping Tablet Device Support...
net stop tabletinputservice

rem Stopping Other Windows Services...
net stop bdesvc
net stop wbengine
net stop uiodetect
net stop defragsvc
net stop axinstsv
net stop "w32time"
net stop wercplsupport
net stop PnkBstrA
net stop TeamViewer6
net stop HPSLPSVC
net stop Wsearch
net stop osppsvc

rem Stopping Printer Services
net stop spooler

rem stopping useless programs
Taskkill /f /im TeamViewer.exe
Taskkill /im firefox.exe
Taskkill /f /im uTorrent.exe
Taskkill /f /im Dropbox.exe
Taskkill /f /im steam.exe
Taskkill /f /im "AAM Updates Notifier.exe"
Taskkill /f /im AvastUI.exe
Taskkill /f /im hpqtra08.exe
Taskkill /f /im hpwuschd2.exe
Taskkill /f /im ctfmon.exe

rem Stop defragmentating RAM
Taskkill /im ramsaverpro.exe

ECHO. Your PC has been optimized 
ECHO. Press 1 if you want to restore everything for normal use
ECHO. Press 2 to quit
Set /p input=What do you want to do?

IF %Input% == 1 GOTO Restore
IF %Input% == 2 GOTO Quit

ECHO. Restoring everything for normal use!
rem Enabling your wifi
set /p hardwareID= What is the hardware ID of your Wifi card? Also make you have devcon installed! For instructions, visit http://www.djranking
devcon enable *%hardwareID%*

rem Defragmentating your RAM
start "DJ Script" "C:\Program Files (x86)\WinTools Software\RAM Saver Professional\ramsaverpro.exe"

rem Starting Windows Firewall, Windows Defender and Avast!...
net start mpssvc
net start windefend
net start "avast! Antivirus"

rem Starting DHCP Client and Wireless LAN...
net start WinHttpAutoProxySvc
net start dhcp
net start wlansvc

rem Starting Other Network Related Services...
net start "dns cache"
net start netprofm
net start nlasvc
net start netman
net start iphlpsvc
net start lanmanworkstation
net start "Bonjour Service"
net start dhcp
net start nsi
net start lanmanserver
net start lmhosts
net start "shared access"
net start nettcpportsharing
net start remoteaccess
net start alg
net start bits
net start peerdistsvc
net start certpropsvc
net start homegrouplistener
net start homegroupprovider
net start winrm
net start Broswer
net start TrkWks

rem Starting other Windows Services...
net start wscsvc
net start DPS
net start CscService
net start WPDBusEnum
net start ProtectedStorage
net start RemoteRegistry
net start seclogon
net start wscsvc
net start osppsvc

rem Starting Blue Tooth Services
net start bthserv

rem Starting Remote Desktop and Remote Assistance Services
net start sessionenv
net start termservice

rem Starting Windows Update Service
net start wuauserv

rem Starting iPod Services
net start "ipod service"
net start "Apple Mobile Device"

rem Starting Stuff that makes your PC look nice...
net start themes
net start sensrsvc
net start AeLookupSvc
net start UxSms

rem Starting Scanner, Camera and other imaging Services...
net start stisvc

rem Starting Windows Media Playing Sharing...
net start WMPnetworksvc

rem Starting Tablet Device Support...
net start tabletinputservice

rem Starting Other Windows Services...
net start bdesvc
net start wbengine
net start uiodetect
net start defragsvc
net start axinstsv
net start "w32time"
net start wercplsupport
net start PnkBstrA
net start TeamViewer6
net start HPSLPSVC
net start Wsearch

rem Starting Printer Services
net start spooler

rem Stop RAM Defragmentation
Taskkill /im ramsaverpro.exe

ECHO. Your PC has been restored
ECHO. Press 1 if you want to optimize your laptop for a gig
ECHO. Press 2 to quit
Set /p input=What do you want to do?

IF %Input% == 1 GOTO Optimize
IF %Input% == 2 GOTO Quit

tested it on my laptop today and I runned windows 7(x64) Ultimate on only 560 mb RAM with this!
Latency = max 230
Len Lukawski
Possibly, we worked to improve it in various places.
Ginny Fergson
Is it my imagination or has the file grown?
Len Lukawski
Good Work!

One of the biggest challenges for most people on here is less around how to stop a service or application and more about what can be stopped without impacting the stability of their system.

Myself and Stashe over at the NI community came up with a script that some people have been using for the last 6 months or so . I will paste it below. By all means feel free to rip it apart and improve on it. I would also be happy to update the original Diary sticky with some of your info and you'll get full credit.

Nice to see someone step up and come to the table with some solid info - WELL DONE!


Copy the following to into a notepad file:


::============================ ===========


:: This makes the batch file prompt for elevated permissions
:: on Windows Vista or Windows 7, then re-run itself

VER | FINDSTR /IL "5.1." > NUL

VER | FINDSTR /IL "5.2." > NUL
IF %ERRORLEVEL% EQU 0 SET Version=2003

VER | FINDSTR /IL "6.0." > NUL

VER | FINDSTR /IL "6.1." > NUL

If "%Version%"=="XP" GoTo SkipElevation
If "%Version%"=="2003"? GoTo SkipElevation
PushD "%~dp0"?
If Exist "%~0.ELEVATED" GoTo SkipElevation

:: Have to escape double quotes because they are
:: passed to Cmd.exe via ShellExecute

Set CMD_Args=%0 %*
Set CMD_Args=%CMD_Args:"="%
Set ELEVATED_CMD=PowerShell -Command (New-Object -com 'Shell.Application').ShellExec ute('Cmd.exe', '/C %CMD_Args%', '', 'runas')

:: If there are single quotes in the arguments, this will fail

If Exist "%~0.ELEVATED" Del "%~0.ELEVATED"


::============================ ============

SET Option=

ECHO. Welcome to the Windows Services Tool for Traktor S4 users.
ECHO. Please select one of the numbers below to begin!
ECHO. 1. Stop all non-Essential Windows Services
ECHO. 2. Start all non-Essential Windows Services
ECHO. 3. Quit this Script
SET /P Input=Which option would you like to perform?:
IF %Input% == 1 GOTO STOPSVC
IF %Input% == 3 GOTO QUIT

ECHO. STOPPING all non-Traktor services!

rem Stopping Windows Firewall and Windows Defender...
net stop mpssvc
net stop windefend

rem Stopping DHCP Client and Wireless LAN...
net stop WinHttpAutoProxySvc
net stop dhcp
net stop wlansvc

rem Stopping Other Network Related Services...
net stop "dns cache"
net stop netprofm
net stop nlasvc
net stop netman
net stop iphlpsvc
net stop lanmanworkstation
net stop "Bonjour Service"
net stop dhcp
net stop nsi
net stop lanmanserver
net stop lmhosts
net stop "shared access"
net stop nettcpportsharing
net stop remoteaccess
net stop alg
net stop bits
net stop peerdistsvc
net stop certpropsvc
net stop homegrouplistener
net stop homegroupprovider
net stop winrm
net stop Broswer
net stop TrkWks

rem Stopping other Windows Services...
net stop wscsvc
net stop DPS
net stop CscService
net stop WPDBusEnum
net stop ProtectedStorage
net stop RemoteRegistry
net stop seclogon
net stop wscsvc

rem Stopping Blue Tooth Services
net stop bthserv

rem Stopping Remote Desktop and Remote Assistance Services
net stop sessionenv
net stop termservice

rem Stopping Windows Update Services
net stop wuauserv

rem Stopping iPod Services
net stop "ipod service"
net stop "Apple Mobile Device"

rem Stopping Stuff that makes your PC look nice...
net stop themes
net stop sensrsvc
net stop AeLookupSvc
net stop UxSms

rem Stopping Scanner, Camera and other imaging Services...
net stop stisvc

rem Stopping Windows Media Playing Sharing...
net stop WMPnetworksvc

rem Stopping Tablet Device Support...
net stop tabletinputservice

rem Stopping Other Windows Services...
net stop bdesvc
net stop wbengine
net stop uiodetect
net stop defragsvc
net stop axinstsv
net stop "w32time"
net stop wercplsupport

rem Stopping Printer Services
net stop spooler


ECHO. STARTING all non-Traktor services!

rem Starting Windows Firewall and Windows Defender...
net start mpssvc
net start windefend

rem Starting DHCP Client and Wireless LAN...
net start WinHttpAutoProxySvc
net start dhcp
net start wlansvc

rem Starting Other Network Related Services...
net start "dns cache"
net start netprofm
net start nlasvc
net start netman
net start iphlpsvc
net start lanmanworkstation
net start "Bonjour Service"
net start dhcp
net start nsi
net start lanmanserver
net start lmhosts
net start "shared access"
net start nettcpportsharing
net start remoteaccess
net start alg
net start bits
net start peerdistsvc
net start certpropsvc
net start homegrouplistener
net start homegroupprovider
net start winrm
net start Broswer
net start TrkWks

rem Starting other Windows Services...
net start wscsvc
net start DPS
net start CscService
net start WPDBusEnum
net start ProtectedStorage
net start RemoteRegistry
net start seclogon
net start wscsvc

rem Starting Blue Tooth Services
net start bthserv

rem Starting Remote Desktop and Remote Assistance Services
net start sessionenv
net start termservice

rem Starting Windows Update Services
net start wuauserv

rem Starting iPod Services
net start "ipod service"
net start "Apple Mobile Device"

rem Starting Stuff that makes your PC look nice...
net start themes
net start sensrsvc
net start AeLookupSvc
net start UxSms

rem Starting Scanner, Camera and other imaging Services...
net start stisvc

rem Starting Windows Media Playing Sharing...
net start WMPnetworksvc

rem Starting Tablet Device Support...
net start tabletinputservice

rem Starting Other Windows Services...
net start bdesvc
net start wbengine
net start uiodetect
net start defragsvc
net start axinstsv
net start "w32time"
net start wercplsupport

rem Starting Printer Services
net start spooler



[Save the file as Killscript.bat (or whatever you want to call it, just make sure it has the .bat)
Christal Jonason
Originally Posted by fullenglishpint
epic post! Thanks a lot for sharing, I'm sure a lot of people will find this useful.
Tatum Ansaldo
epic post! Thanks a lot for sharing, I'm sure a lot of people will find this useful.
Kecia Wnukowski
Thanks, your initiative is really appreciated.

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