Sensei Haus Techics SL-DZ 1200 vinyl surface disc

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Sensei Haus Techics SL-DZ 1200 vinyl surface disc
Posted on: 31.08.2012 by Cyndy Buatte
Total long shot but if anyone has any of these laying about I'd be interested.
Before anyone links to their website I've heard quite a few people not receiving items.
And they haven't replied to any emails I've sent so don't fancy sending them money.
Lupita Eugley
Originally Posted by stancollins
Total long shot but if anyone has any of these laying about I'd be interested.
Before anyone links to their website I've heard quite a few people not receiving items.
And they haven't replied to any emails I've sent so don't fancy sending them money.
Just got mine 02/12/12 the Canada post strike is over. shipping was fast. hope this helps.
Cyndy Buatte
Total long shot but if anyone has any of these laying about I'd be interested.
Before anyone links to their website I've heard quite a few people not receiving items.
And they haven't replied to any emails I've sent so don't fancy sending them money.
Lupita Eugley
Originally Posted by stancollins
Total long shot but if anyone has any of these laying about I'd be interested.
Before anyone links to their website I've heard quite a few people not receiving items.
And they haven't replied to any emails I've sent so don't fancy sending them money.
Just got mine 02/12/12 the Canada post strike is over. shipping was fast. hope this helps.

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