Midi Fighter Classic (Barely Used)

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Midi Fighter Classic (Barely Used)
Posted on: 02.07.2012 by Lashunda Kubon
Hey DJTT, I'm selling a Midi Fighter that hasn't been doing much for me but collecting dust at the top of my closet. It was fun for me the first few months, but I just stopped using it after a while, and I was hoping someone here might want it more than me. I paid $210 for it and I'm only selling it for $125. I can't ship Internationally right now, just in the U.S.

*Sorry for the "yellowish" lighting in the pictures*

Thanks In Advance :D

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Lashunda Kubon
Hey DJTT, I'm selling a Midi Fighter that hasn't been doing much for me but collecting dust at the top of my closet. It was fun for me the first few months, but I just stopped using it after a while, and I was hoping someone here might want it more than me. I paid $210 for it and I'm only selling it for $125. I can't ship Internationally right now, just in the U.S.

*Sorry for the "yellowish" lighting in the pictures*

Thanks In Advance :D

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Janina Fineday
you still selling this i am interested in this very much. how much you selling it for?
Sheree Bonafede
still available bro? im in boston. let me know man.
Maryanna Caliguiri
VERY interested but will you ship to uk?
Karan Haldiman
Sold yet?
Lynsey Schellhammer
I want it! email me at [email protected] please!
Valarie Ketter
Hey, e-mail me at [email protected] if this is still available.
Mariel Komatsu
Does the price include shipping?
Mariel Komatsu
Yeah, I've been believeing about getting one for some time. I recently bought a brand new Korg KP3 but have found that I'm really not into it that much (after about two weeks). I was hoping to find someone that would buy it or would want to trade for a Kontrol F1. Should I be able to get rid of it and you still have the MF I would defintely take it. Can you PM your location.

Lashunda Kubon
Yes, I am. Are you interested?
Mariel Komatsu
Are you still trying to sell this?

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