Dj, intro animation....

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Dj, intro animation....
Posted on: 20.02.2013 by Lannie Kutay
i am looking for someone who does any CGI work, or can point me to someone who does. who can make cool 3d text animations for me to play at the clubs i dj at, and put in my youtube videos.

Lannie Kutay
i am looking for someone who does any CGI work, or can point me to someone who does. who can make cool 3d text animations for me to play at the clubs i dj at, and put in my youtube videos.

Synthia Treder
Hey all

ok well looks like i'll just have to mess around with this stuff a little bit myself. thanks for the info.
It seems like my first post about the cost of producing the required result has been deleted by sysadmin. However here are a few tips to get what you want.

When I said I have some experience with this I meant that I know what I am talking about because I have done it.

There isn't a big demo party scene where I live but I ave been interested in it enough to learn to use a lot of software to create things for myself.

You might say more VJ than DJ but hey I am learning that too.

Anyway to help out the disenchanted I am supplying some links for those interested.

Audiovizualizers have been around since windows 95. They were one of the first vj sites and although some of their software is old now, it all still works. Some freebee, some costs, and some you can no longer get anywhere. check out the toolshack

A central portal is at

And to help with the 3D TEXTY textalizer texturizer question you might check out

There is also a product called Video Fun Box at

These are all cheap alternatives to paying huge sums to someone else to create your 3D performance pieces.

So have a lot of fun and dont get lost in your navel because this stuff can make you crazy and its a lot harder than just using a filter and an eq drop to cut in a big beat.

all the best

Reda Holdsworth
Wow I knew this would be expensive. But no idea it would be that much...
Lannie Kutay
ok well looks like i'll just have to mess around with this stuff a little bit myself. thanks for the info.

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