Rane ttm 57sl or trade for z2

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Rane ttm 57sl or trade for z2
Posted on: 23.04.2013 by Johnie Ranges
I have a rane 57sl i want to sell or trade.

It is in excellent condition, and as you can see i have a custom magnetic skin from 12inhskinz.com that i have had on the mixer since day one. Og box as well.

I also have a flight case i can sell with it(in picture) or separate. It has a built in fan.

I will trade this for a native instruments kontrol z2(because thats why i'm selling this)

just pm me with offers or trade offers.

I'm in canada but will ship anywhere.

Johnie Ranges
I have a rane 57sl i want to sell or trade.

It is in excellent condition, and as you can see i have a custom magnetic skin from 12inhskinz.com that i have had on the mixer since day one. Og box as well.

I also have a flight case i can sell with it(in picture) or separate. It has a built in fan.

I will trade this for a native instruments kontrol z2(because thats why i'm selling this)

just pm me with offers or trade offers.

I'm in canada but will ship anywhere.

Federico Vilas
Yeah i replaced with the inno so my fader is dopey dope haha
Genesis Bruess
You wanna trade for a s4 with scratch upgrade?
Johnie Ranges
faders are dopey dope on the 57sl and the z2
Johnie Ranges
yea not into the korg, dont like the fader, nah meen??
Federico Vilas
I had the ttm-sl57 and didn't care for it too much...based on features the zero 4 is "equivalent" to the 57 but I understand if you have your eyes set on a z2... I love the korg BUT its HUGE
Johnie Ranges
I'm in London Ontario. Pm me with an offer, we can talk.....as for zero 4, no.
I'm basically trading out for the equivalent to the rane.
I need a nice fader with an interface built in--z2 the way for me so I can link the rest of
My gear nicely(ie maschine)
Federico Vilas
i got a zero 4
Johnie Ranges
I hope so
Wei Lebeaux
Someone's gotta be down for this. That'd be a straight up trade...
Genesis Bruess
Where you located in Canada and how much

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