Reply to Crane USB hub (unpowered) located in the US
Crane USB hub (unpowered) located in the US as the title states i'm looking for a crane hardware unpowered USB hub. i am located in the US so out of country deals are probably out since the shipping would probably be steep, sorry. they have been discontinued and i found a few online still available but the price on them was just ridiculous. im not looking to spend an arm and a leg for this outdated & unpowered hub. i'm pretty bias towards this hub because it clips to the crane stand. i don't need a powered hub because i will only be running an X1 and F1 off the hub when i gig. unless someone has an alternative to the crane hub that clips on to there stand (or the same hub that crane happened to use thats unbranded) ill consider if you have the crane USB Hub and are looking to unload it for "cheap" please contact me. on here or email: [email protected] ALSO, if anyone knows of one for sale on a different community or through a friend, please contact me thanks DJTT. | |
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