My Midifighter assembly pictures

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My Midifighter assembly pictures
Posted on: 28.05.2010 by Randal Biza
I was stoked to get this thing in the mail yesterday! Here's the finished product.

Here's the assembly procedure, if you're interested: Thanks DJTT!
Leida Blasko
Originally Posted by djmoonie
Thats really nice. Good pictures too.

One thing that I wondered after seeing this.. is how does the midi fighter cope with dust build up after you've had it a while. The circuit board is open on the sides isn't it ?
You could always just use compressed air, since everything is open the dust would just blow out.
Randal Biza
I was stoked to get this thing in the mail yesterday! Here's the finished product.

Here's the assembly procedure, if you're interested: Thanks DJTT!
Leida Blasko
Originally Posted by djmoonie
Thats really nice. Good pictures too.

One thing that I wondered after seeing this.. is how does the midi fighter cope with dust build up after you've had it a while. The circuit board is open on the sides isn't it ?
You could always just use compressed air, since everything is open the dust would just blow out.
Adolf Hit
Mine is fine after 6 months
Vernon Positano
Thats really nice. Good pictures too.

One thing that I wondered after seeing this.. is how does the midi fighter cope with dust build up after you've had it a while. The circuit board is open on the sides isn't it ?
Corine Kasman
Sweet blog article. Looking forward to see how you get on with it.


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