Can i use this mapping on my trigger finger?

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Can i use this mapping on my trigger finger?
Posted on: 25.07.2010 by Kandy Ahdoot
Just wondering how i go about useing this mapping on my trigger finger
as i cant afford a midi fighter at the moment was just wondering can i do it as it has 16 pads?
Kandy Ahdoot
Just wondering how i go about useing this mapping on my trigger finger
as i cant afford a midi fighter at the moment was just wondering can i do it as it has 16 pads?
Arcelia Siebeneck
damn, there needs to be a sticky about this specific topic at the top of this community ... seen this question three times in the last 2 days!!

welcome to the community skyguy50 - take a look in the big 'new firmware' thread.
Luella Venzant
Hey, was there any progress on getting the trigger finger to resemble 4 banks mode? I'm not getting any of the combo effect on mine... also it only seems to be working on deck A...

Tatum Ansaldo
http://www.djranking /sho...669#post226669
Reid Capulin
Would this same technique work for an Akai MDP26?
Londa Paxtor
thanks for this post, works like a charm! I changed to preset 16 and then edit the channel to 3. AWESOME, now I've got a midi finger / trigger fighter. fun.

[edit] , it works awesome with all things except 4 banks mode. will still have to get my brain around this. i believe everything works from the original and deckalized mappings. most of the instant grat map works, still getting through it all.
Meg Reinoehl
1. Download and import the MIDI Fighter .tsi file
2. Change both controller ports to the Trigger Finger
3. Edit the Trigger Finger and set it to channel 3
4. Change it to preset 16

Voila! You're now using the MIDI Fighter mapping. Watch the demo video to learn the controls and learn them well! Without the LED's, you can get pretty lost in the mapping.

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