Reply to Help! MidiFighter Glitching!

Help! MidiFighter Glitching!
Hey guys,

Been running the midi fighter in Traktor Pro with the 4 Bank FX mode enabled and everything was going smoothly for a week or two until my fighter started become unresponsive and glitchy. When I press certain buttons down for super combos, the buttons will trigger, but the effect will continue to affect the specified deck and the LED lights remain on until the button is pressed again.

Another strange thing that has been happening is when the beatmash supercombo is triggered (meaning all four beatmash buttons triggered in succession) and the transpose stretch engages, it gets stuck on until I press the third beat mash button again.

I am wondering if it is a software issue or if it might be a hardware issue, where I need to clean out the arcade buttons or possibly replace them. What would be the best way to go about cleaning the buttons if this is case?

On another side note, I also have a Hercules DJ Control Steel that is having some crossfader issues. When the crossfader is completely all the way to either side, traktor pro registers that the fader is being flicked back and forth and the software representation of the crossfader dances around a bunch.

I am hoping I really don't have to replace either of these pieces of gear because I am not very well-to-do monetarily and I recently got a gig DJing at a local club and I would hate to have to stop because my hardware quit out on me.

Thanks in advance,

Kai Moon Poplar (MoonUnit)
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