Reply to MIDI Clock LED without any soldering

MIDI Clock LED without any soldering
Hey everyone!

I finally got around to hacking on the Midi Fighter firmware. My first idea is to be able to get the MIDI Clock LED without soldering a new LED onto my Midi Fighter. The fourbanks_off mode, I'm using the top-left LED. In fourbanks_internal mode, I'm using the selected bank LED. In fourbanks_external mode, I'm not using anything.

I'll probably publish my code to github or something similar in the near future, but in the mean time, here is a diff:

WARNING: I take no responsibility for any damage my code does to your midi fighter, etc, etc
diff --git a/constants.h b/constants.h
index d03d541..30b3acd 100644
--- a/constants.h
+++ b/constants.h
@@ -68,4 +68,7 @@
 // Note number of the basenote for the keys
 #define MIDI_BASE_NOTE 36
+// midi note led to use for groundfx in fourbanks_off mode
+#define GROUNDFX_LED 48
diff --git a/midifighter.c b/midifighter.c
index 51b0008..dff20d0 100644
--- a/midifighter.c
+++ b/midifighter.c
@@ -684,7 +684,15 @@ void Midifighter_Task(void)
         // MIDI keystate array and set an LED bit if that MIDI note has a
         // velocity greater than zero.
         for (uint8_t i=MIDI_BASE_NOTE; i<MIDI_BASE_NOTE + 16; ++i) {
-            if (g_midi_note_state[i] > 0) {
+            if (i == GROUNDFX_LED) {
+                if (g_led_groundfx_counter < 8) {
+                    leds |= 1 << midi_note_to_key(i);
+                } else if (g_led_groundfx_counter < 24) {
+                    leds |= 0 << midi_note_to_key(i);
+                } else {
+                    leds |= 1 << midi_note_to_key(i);
+                }
+            } else if (g_midi_note_state[i] > 0) {
                 leds |= 1 << midi_note_to_key(i);
@@ -701,7 +709,15 @@ void Midifighter_Task(void)
         // ------------------
         // The top four keys display which bank is selected. At least one
         // bank is always selected.
-        leds = (1 << g_key_bank_selected);
+        // Use the selected deck to show groundfx 
+        if (g_led_groundfx_counter < 8) {
+            leds = (1 << g_key_bank_selected);
+        } else if (g_led_groundfx_counter < 24) {
+            leds = (0 << g_key_bank_selected);
+        } else {
+            leds = (1 << g_key_bank_selected);
+        }
         // Update the bottom 12 LEDs with the MIDI state of the selected
         // bank.
I'd love to hear some feedback about this. I'm sure there are better ways to accomplish what I'm doing. Once it is cleaned up, I'll post the firmware somewhere, as long as there is interest and the DJTT people don't mind distributing binaries.
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