I wana rename midi fighter?

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I wana rename midi fighter?
Posted on: 10.04.2011 by Jan Tawzer
Does any one know how 2 rename your midifghter? I have 2 fighters and naming one would make it nice!
Danae Dumler
Originally Posted by tyfurious
Pretty easy, but if you're not a cosc major that might be a bit problematic.

What do you want to rename them? I'll do all the work for ya since I need to do it to my own MF's anyways.
I didn't know this was even possible. Can you post the code so we can do it using the MIDI Fighter flash program? I have two midifighters and it drives me nuts that I can't easily use two different mappings for them and have it stick.
Gilma Marchini
Originally Posted by DJKeyWee
you can, but you need to download the source code, change the name in the descriptor file, compile the code then reflash the MIDI fighter firmware.
Pretty easy, but if you're not a cosc major that might be a bit problematic.

What do you want to rename them? I'll do all the work for ya since I need to do it to my own MF's anyways.
Jan Tawzer
Does any one know how 2 rename your midifghter? I have 2 fighters and naming one would make it nice!
Lisa Lochotzki
Read the Midi Fighter Thread.. it say everything you need.

you compile, it generate a .HEX file, you use the uploader utility with this .HEX file to update the firmware.
Danae Dumler
OK so I've read through all this source code. Problem is I have no idea what the frack any of it means. There's no obvious place where the MIDI Fighter can be renamed "MIDI Fighter 1" or whatever, though I'm guessing usb_descriptors.c might be where I should be looking? The code is well commented but that doesn't mean much when I don't know what any of it means. And for some strange reason I feel like I'm defusing a nuclear bomb here, like any wrong keystroke will make my MIDI Fighter explode and take my head with it. Anyway here's the best I'm coming up with; the following piece of code (comments included):

// Product descriptor string. This is a Unicode string containing the
// product's details in human readable form, and is read out upon request by
// the host when the appropriate string ID is requested, listed in the
// Device Descriptor.
USB_Descriptor_String_t PROGMEM ProductString =
    .Header                 = { .Size = USB_STRING_LEN(11),
                                .Type = DTYPE_String },
    .UnicodeString          = L"Midifighter"
So if I'm reading this correctly, I can just change the UnicodeString line to say:

    .UnicodeString          = L"Beerdrinker"
and I will now have a device called "Beerdrinker"?

Assuming it's that easy, the next question is what the heck do I do next? I've compiled programs before in unix once upon a time, I vaguely remember typing /.make in the directory where the makefile is, but I cant remember what happens after that. Does a new file appear that I can use to flash my midifighter?
Lisa Lochotzki
Danae Dumler
haha excellent sig!
Lisa Lochotzki
MIDI fighter source code is available... check the MIDI fighter thread, you'll also need to download few tools here and there.
Danae Dumler
Originally Posted by tyfurious
Pretty easy, but if you're not a cosc major that might be a bit problematic.

What do you want to rename them? I'll do all the work for ya since I need to do it to my own MF's anyways.
I didn't know this was even possible. Can you post the code so we can do it using the MIDI Fighter flash program? I have two midifighters and it drives me nuts that I can't easily use two different mappings for them and have it stick.
Gilma Marchini
Originally Posted by DJKeyWee
you can, but you need to download the source code, change the name in the descriptor file, compile the code then reflash the MIDI fighter firmware.
Pretty easy, but if you're not a cosc major that might be a bit problematic.

What do you want to rename them? I'll do all the work for ya since I need to do it to my own MF's anyways.
Lisa Lochotzki
you can, but you need to download the source code, change the name in the descriptor file, compile the code then reflash the MIDI fighter firmware.
Jan Tawzer
oh that sux! thanx anyways
Leeanna Ayla
We've discussed this before and I don't believe you can. Well you can in Audi/Midi settings, but it doesn't stick in traktor.
Jan Tawzer
mac book pro!
Gilma Marchini

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