Reply to Just got MIDI Fighter... Just need some help tweaking some things!

Just got MIDI Fighter... Just need some help tweaking some things!
Ok everyone, I just got my midifighter, and I'm primarily using it for effects.

Im using Traktor Pro, with an S4 and a midi fighter.

First thing I did was upgrade the firmware, using that flash program. Then I downloaded the deckalized mapping, and imported it just as Ean did in the Instant Grat mapping video he put up on the site.

Is this all I needed to do to set it up and get going? Or did I miss a big step.

Second, I'm noticing in Traktor Pro, that the midi fighter is only working on Deck A. When I load a song into Deck B, for some reason it's not getting the effects.

Ok Last, Is there any way for me to switch back to the knob way of things? And control effects on the S4 using the top knobs? Basically just wanna be able to switch back and forth real quick.

Some input from other S4/Traktor 2/Midifighter users would be awesome!!

Thanks for the responses ahead of time!!!
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