Just got my midi Fighter today and Im unsure....

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Just got my midi Fighter today and Im unsure....
Posted on: 03.05.2011 by Brent Mcdermot
Hey guys

I got my Midi Fighter today and its the BOMB i love it alot! I downloaded the Instant Gratification Mapping v1.0.3

and I'm not sure if its working the way it's meant to....

The top four buttons don't work in deck A but work in Deck B and vice versa the rest work in deck A and not in deck B... is there a way to make them all work in both decks? or how to switch from decks when needed...

P.s Im using Traktor Pro 2 with an S4

Thanks guys

Tatum Ansaldo

Kristofer Krauel
FullEnglish strikes again!!!
Tatum Ansaldo
Glad to be of service!
Brent Mcdermot
I got it working!!! lol from one of your old posts when you helped someone else i thought maybe i was in the wrong binary channel aswell so i mapped a play button to one of the buttons and it worked which made me realise i was in the wrong channel... and took me for ever to find it but i did

thanks for your older posts on another post

your a champ for helping me so much


ps i love the midi Fighter now
Tatum Ansaldo
hmmm... and with bank 1 engaged (top left button) and a track playing on deck A, do you get no response? but the control light still flashes? If so, i'm stumped!
Brent Mcdermot
here you go man i hope you find something
Tatum Ansaldo
I can't unzip it, I'm getting an invalid archive message. If you save JUST the preferences window as a jpeg file it should be small enough to attach.
Brent Mcdermot
yeah the led's work and they stay light up

pic was too big so made it zip....

also thanks once again for helping... i guess anything to get out of doing real work :P LOL

Tatum Ansaldo
I'm at work so I can't show you my MF, but point 5 looks correct and that's the important one. If you restart the MF now that you have 4 banks mode enabled, can you select the 4 banks along the top with the top row of buttons? Whichever of the top 4 buttons you press, the associated LED should stay lit until you press another one.

If that works, 4 banks is working fine. If there's still a problem, it's most likely mapping related. Post a screenshot of your preferences window on the controller manager tab with the deck A mapping selected.
Brent Mcdermot
I know Im being a pest LOL but you believe you could show me what yours looks like in all 7 steps of menu mode? here's mine and you tell me if any is not right...

# . . .
. . . .
* * * *
o . . o


. # . .
. * * *
* * * *
o . . o

. . # .
. . . .
. . . .
. . . .

4 . . .#
. . . .
* * * *
. . . .

. . . .
# . . .
. .* *
o . . o

. . . .
. # . .
. . . .
. . . .

. . . .
. . # .
* * * *
. . . .
Tatum Ansaldo
I'm not sure I understand you. Here's the section of the guide:

5. Select Fourbanks Mode

    . . . .
    # . . .   <- Flashing exit key
    * * * *   <- Selection bar graph (three states)
    o . . o   <- increment/decrement
This menu page allows you to select one of the three bank modes by using the
increment/decrement keys to move through the different options.

. . . . = Fourbanks Off

. . * * = Fourbanks Internal

* * * * = Fourbanks External

NOTE: If Fourbanks External is selected, the Digital Inputs menu page will
be disabled.

6. Select Expansion Port Digital Inputs

    . . . .
    . # . .   <- Flashing exit key
    * * * *   <- one LED for each digital input, click to toggle
    . . . .
Enabling this option causes the Midifighter to read the values of the
external digital input pins and track their state using a debounce
buffer. Each LED can be individually toggled to enable MIDI events to be
read from that digital input.

NOTE: If Fourbanks External mode has been selected, this menu page is
disabled as the digital inputs are being used as Bank Select keys.
So once in menu mode, you should be hitting the button I've highlighted in red, then pressing the corner buttons until you have 2 LEDs lit up on the 3rd row.

You should have nothing activated from point 6, make sure by going into that section and ensuring that all external inputs are off.

EDIT: and reflashing is pretty simple, just follow the guidelines in the sticky thread. Basically you get your MF into bootloader mode and run the program, but it tells you exactly how to do it with diagrams and if you have problems then that thread has many solutions:

Standard method:

http://www.djranking s.com/community /showthread.php?t=22461

Other methods:

http://www.djranking s.com/community /showthread.php?t=11511

Make sure you follow ALL STEPS and READ THOROUGHLY
Brent Mcdermot
re flashing seems hard i don't really understand it :s

any other way? i believe i understand why it was not working... when i changed them to four decks in "5. Select Fourbanks Mode".... "6 Select Expansion Port Digital Inputs" would still stay led up when it was meant to become disabled... making my buttons disabled after Menu mode was over....

i fixed it all but now traktor wont read the buttons.... but knows they are there because CTRL is flashing when i push them....

any ideas?
Tatum Ansaldo
reflashing never hurts.

Then reimport the Instant Gratification .tsi with the big import button (see my sig) and assign all the inputs and outputs for all 4 mappings to the midifighter.
Sharyn Prado
I would re-flash your midi fighter, you can find out how to do this here:
http://www.djranking s.com/community /showthread.php?t=11511
Brent Mcdermot
LOL ok i now have gotten all leds to work and traktor knows it working because of the ctrl button is going off but now its not going any effects LOL my midi fighter hates me LOL

what can i do to fix it now?

Brent Mcdermot
Im saying No led's work now... even when not in traktor... but work when you plug it in for that little start up and menu mode works....

also No effects work.... nothing lighting up in traktor.


Thanks for you help so far
Tatum Ansaldo
when you say they don't work, do they still light up when you press them? Does the little control light in traktor (in the top bar) still light up when you press a button?

make sure you've got ALL FOUR instant gratification mappings (decks A to D) assigned to the correct input and output ports.
Brent Mcdermot
i dont know what i did but i must of turned something off in menu mode... because now the buttons dont work anymore but will work in menu mode

what should i do now?

got a feeling its an easy fix but i don't see it


Tatum Ansaldo
yeh, just make sure you select the correct MFs in your input/output settings in controller manager.
Sharyn Prado
So you can use the two mappings together?
Tatum Ansaldo
so true
Sharyn Prado
Yeah, it was only limiting because I was using just one MF at that time, and when your a bit tanked you can sometimes forget which deck it focused lol
Tatum Ansaldo
I didn't find focus mode limiting when i was using it, but we're all different! Keep experimenting and i'm sure you'll find a combo you like.

Who knows, maybe the new mapping when it finally arrives will be just what you need!
Sharyn Prado
I have two Midi Fighters, so it would be a combination, Im bascially interested so that I can effect both decks and the sample decks.

Im still trying to suss out what would be the best combination for mixing on TP2

Although the Focus mode can be a bit confusing, and limiting.

Im still believeing Kontrol X1 and two midi fighters plus the ecler evo 5,

Ive reprogrammed the MF's to loose the bottom 4 buttons to the sample deck triggers at the moment, but theres always a better way just a bit stumped at the moment.
Tatum Ansaldo
You mean on one midifighter? No, that won't work because the IG mapping requires 4 banks mode while the deckalized uses standard (16 button) mode. Flashflooder (the DJTT mapping guru) has actually promised us a combination mapping of the 2, offering instant FX and transport control, but this has been delayed for ages and I have no idea why.

here's the link to the thread:

http://www.djranking s.com/community /showthread.php?t=24548
Sharyn Prado
@ Fullenglish, your pretty savvy with these sort of things.

Can you use the Deckalised A/B Focus mode along side the instant gratification mode or does it cause conflicts?
Tatum Ansaldo
You need to enable 4 banks internal mode. Read point 5 of this:

http://www.djranking s.com/community /showthread.php?t=9961

for a guide.

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