something went wrong with creating the memory image

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something went wrong with creating the memory image
Posted on: 08.05.2011 by Norbert Herreman
so after entering this command

dfu-programmer at90usb162 flash --debug 1 midifighter.hex

where midifighter.hex is replaced with midifightercc.hex

which is the firmware i want to install and is also located on my desktop, I get the message error opening file
something went wrong with creating the memory image

What am I doing wrong, i can't work it out.

have got xcode and and all that and have followed instructions to the letter

all the best

Norbert Herreman
so after entering this command

dfu-programmer at90usb162 flash --debug 1 midifighter.hex

where midifighter.hex is replaced with midifightercc.hex

which is the firmware i want to install and is also located on my desktop, I get the message error opening file
something went wrong with creating the memory image

What am I doing wrong, i can't work it out.

have got xcode and and all that and have followed instructions to the letter

all the best

Norbert Herreman
Right got it. Didn't realise you hade to type in the path of the .hex file

cheers to all
Norbert Herreman
Hi there, yep i did the erase part as well.
Have attached a screen shot, of the terminal and commands, if it helps.

robert chanda
You have to erase the device before programming.

Follow *all* the instructions.

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