Reply to Far East Midi Muay Thai Fighter DIY Project

Far East Midi Muay Thai Fighter DIY Project
Hi all,

I'm about to begin a DIY project for a midi controller. I actually would prefer to buy the midi fighter pro. However, with the unit being out of stock, and the ridiculous import taxes here in Thailand (80% + 7% vat) I'll just have to wait when I'm back in Europe or US again.

So meanwhile I'll have to make my own little fighter with the parts I can get locally here in Thailand and some parts from Hong Kong.

So far I already have ordered 30 arcade buttons from Hong Kong. For those looking for these you can go on dealextreme. They go for 0.86USD a piece including shipping.

Still need to order the LEDs, resistors, switches, faders and pots. And most importantly, the midi-USB controller. I was believeing of the Hale UMC32+.

I have some experience with electronics. But mostly it's with passive components. I've built quite a few guitar effect stompboxes that are still working and made most of my friends jealous.

So I'll update you on the progress and ask some opinions to you guys how I should further take on my project.

By the way, does anyone know if the Midifighter pro is also using a UMC32+ controller or a more advanced one. I was wondering about this for the LED feedback system.

Anyway thanks for your support!!
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