Best Midi Fighter Pro for ArmyOfMe Build Up

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Best Midi Fighter Pro for ArmyOfMe Build Up
Posted on: 14.07.2011 by Lachelle Mcmanamon
What would be the best configuration of the midi fighter pro to incorporate the armyofme's buildup with instant gratification? I'm between the beatmasher and the XX fader...
Lachelle Mcmanamon
What would be the best configuration of the midi fighter pro to incorporate the armyofme's buildup with instant gratification? I'm between the beatmasher and the XX fader...
Joannie Brague
hey there.

I just got a cue master. I'm going to attempt to use one of the presets as the sweep drama effect. And also have it so it will echo out once the knob or fader slide all the way down or turn up all the way.

I'll let you know what my experiments lead to.

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