Four Banks Mode Question

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Four Banks Mode Question
Posted on: 25.08.2011 by Karena Katherine
I still am having a problem that the wet/dry parameters are pushed all the way up to 100%, its almost like it takes over too much of the song (at least for my style), is there any way to set those parameters down to say 50%?
Karena Katherine
I still am having a problem that the wet/dry parameters are pushed all the way up to 100%, its almost like it takes over too much of the song (at least for my style), is there any way to set those parameters down to say 50%?
Karena Katherine
So what should the value be set to if I want to decrease it?
Karena Katherine
That is the exact problem I am having, what would it be called Hold Effect 1, 2, 3 ON...etc.? Then what do I set? the value?
Leeanna Ayla
You'll have to find that in the mapping and change the value.

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