Reply to Instructions for Midi-fighter Pro Beatmasher
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Instructions for Midi-fighter Pro Beatmasher Ive got Traktor Pro 2, a Hercules MK4 and a Midi fighter Pro Beatmasher. Got the MFP BM about a week ago today so im pretty new to it. Heres my story quickly Installed all the crap for BM and Mk4 Because MK4 isnt apart of the big companies I got some shitty mapping of their website that works but could be alot better. It often conflicts with the BM or is totally the oppisite of the orginal mapping I got with the MK4 when I bought it, it seems like they've tried to squeeze all the controls found in like an S2 or S4 into something about a 1/3 of its size. Everything seems to jell together, the BM does its job perfectly, maybe theirs some glitches the odd time when controlling effects with the cross faders, a confliction between the MK4 causes things to trigger random effects or everything randomly stops because of me accidenly pressing shift and some other button.... And that is my problem! I cannot for the life of me find an article, video, community post or internet webpage that gives me detailed instructions on my BM. Ive got the picture that gives you the set up, but I know theirs more behind it all. Ive seen a video some where with Ean showing you all the buttons but I can find it again! So can you guys help me?? I need lots of detail on the instruction so I can actually use the thing in all its glory.. Also I just got Traktor last week so im pretty fresh to it as well so I cant really tell if everythings working. Any help? Thanks | |
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