Swap Deck Tracks in Traktor Pro

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Swap Deck Tracks in Traktor Pro
Posted on: 25.02.2011 by Kai Escovedo
Does anyone no if it's possible to swap the tracks in decks A/B without having to go to playlist, so that I can switch the beat on deck A with the scratch on deck B in a seamleass fashion so that I can switch from scratching the scratch with left hand to right hand.
I am using Traktor Pro with the numark Mixtrack and Audio 2 DJ.
You would believe that Traktor would have a switch button feature.
There certain scratchs I can do with my left hand/left deck and visa versa.
Is this already a feature in Traktor that I am missing? If not Native Instruments should surely see the value of this feature for scratch DJ's.

Any help from you guys would be great.

Linette Hauffe
Originally Posted by Zac Kyoti
I needed this function so I built it into my tsi. Deck duplicate is the way to go - you could build it so many different ways, it just depends on how you want to work. My shift button acts so that when I hit it, my navigation cross turns into deck to/from selects. So if I wanted to copy A to B, i'd hit shift, press the A deck, then the B deck, presto, done. It's good for going any direction too, A to C, D to B, C to D, whatever. Requires a bunch of modifiers though. I managed to do it all within one modifier number though, just switching between values: Like shift makes M1=1. If M1=1 then pressing A makes M1=2. If M1=2 and B is pressed, deck copies from A to B, and M1 is reset to 0. Same idea with all the other decks, just jumping to different values. If you're just doing A>B and B>A, you can get away with simple modifier logic, but I'd still use at least two buttons.
Any way you could post a baby mapping for this? I get that I'd have to choose new buttons. I just can't seem to get it right on my own haha.
Tatum Ansaldo
Originally Posted by djmodular
I can't believe this is not a standard feature for the scratch DJ side of things.
I don't see why it would be a standard feature. As I said, I've never seen anyone ask for it before, and neither have I seen vinyl scratch DJs swap their records over instantly (though that would be damn impressive )
Kai Escovedo
Originally Posted by fullenglishpint
it was just an idea, I don't know whether or not it's possible in practice. Might be sending one command first so you end up with 2 copies of the same track, then the second command won't work.
Yeah that is what is happening. I can't believe this is not a standard feature for the scratch DJ side of things.

If anyone has any other ideas I would love to know.
Nedra Fresneda
Originally Posted by djmodular
You mean deck duplicate right? I assigned a button to duplicate A/B and B/A as two seperat in functions assigned to the same button, however it only duplicates one deck. Do i need a modifier or is there something else I am missing? Has anyone got a screenshot of how to set this up?
you might need a third deck to do this. don't forget to match EQs when swapping
Kai Escovedo
Originally Posted by fullenglishpint
Since no one's ever asked for it before, I'm not sure you would

you might be able to map something, I believe there's a command to copy deck a to b or vice versa so maybe if you map that both ways round to the same button it might work.
Ummm I will have a look into that. Maybe that could be the trick. Thanks
Tatum Ansaldo
Originally Posted by djmodular
You would believe that Traktor would have a switch button feature.
Since no one's ever asked for it before, I'm not sure you would

you might be able to map something, I believe there's a command to copy deck a to b or vice versa so maybe if you map that both ways round to the same button it might work.
Kai Escovedo
Does anyone no if it's possible to swap the tracks in decks A/B without having to go to playlist, so that I can switch the beat on deck A with the scratch on deck B in a seamleass fashion so that I can switch from scratching the scratch with left hand to right hand.
I am using Traktor Pro with the numark Mixtrack and Audio 2 DJ.
You would believe that Traktor would have a switch button feature.
There certain scratchs I can do with my left hand/left deck and visa versa.
Is this already a feature in Traktor that I am missing? If not Native Instruments should surely see the value of this feature for scratch DJ's.

Any help from you guys would be great.

Reece Murray
Hey Forever The Win,
So I looked at tearing down a tsi to give you just the commands you'd need, but since there's so many I'm worried I'd just break it (I've gotta start labeling commands!) Besides, I don't know your controller and what notes it sends. You can do it yourself with a little trial and error though. I'll give you the gist:

This is slightly more streamlined than my method above.
Decide if you want to just use two decks or four. I'll give an example using two decks, but the logic can be expanded to include all four.
Start with the modifiers. You'll just use one, with different values. you need 2 buttons for 2 decks, or 4 for 4 decks.
The logic is like this - the first button you push will be the "copy this deck" button. The next button you push will be the "to this location" button.
Modifiers by default have a value of 0. So make a modifier command that says for example "when M1=0 (the condition), change value to M1=1". Midi learn this command the note # of your first button.
The next button will be the same, but changes the value to 2. IE "when M1=0, change value to M1=2". Learn that to the note # of your second button.
What this is doing is allowing you to duplicate from either deck.
Now you want to add two new modifier commands that set the value back to 0 when the duplication occurs, to clean up and set you back to default.
Since the first button makes M1=1, make one command "when M1=1 change value to M1=0". Learn this to the note # of the SECOND button.
Likewise, make the next command "when M1=2 change value to M1=0". Learn this to the FIRST button.
By now you should have 4 commands, all Modifier 1 (or whatever you choose).

Now you add the deck duplicate commands:
Duplicate Deck A - "when M1=1, value will be Deck B". Learn this to the SECOND button.
Duplicate Deck B - "when M1=2, value will be Deck A". Learn this to the FIRST button.

That should do it, but keep in mind some extras can be good practice. What if you hit your "copy from" button and for whatever reason, need to bail out on the duplication? You'd be stuck in M1=1 and could only copy deck A. It's wise to put another of those "reset to zero" type commands on a button - an escape measure. I like to put it on both the "copy from button" (so hitting the same button again just resets things), and on something like the button I use to switch to browsing, so if I forget things it'll just get reset sometime soon. Remember though, you need a separate modifier command for each state the modifier is in, each mapped to the same button, to be able to reset any state. So for example, if you hit the first button (copy from deck A) and wanted to bail out, just add another command on the same button that says "when M1=1 change to M1=0".

Trial and error is key, let me know how it goes and I can help from there.
Linette Hauffe
Originally Posted by Zac Kyoti
I needed this function so I built it into my tsi. Deck duplicate is the way to go - you could build it so many different ways, it just depends on how you want to work. My shift button acts so that when I hit it, my navigation cross turns into deck to/from selects. So if I wanted to copy A to B, i'd hit shift, press the A deck, then the B deck, presto, done. It's good for going any direction too, A to C, D to B, C to D, whatever. Requires a bunch of modifiers though. I managed to do it all within one modifier number though, just switching between values: Like shift makes M1=1. If M1=1 then pressing A makes M1=2. If M1=2 and B is pressed, deck copies from A to B, and M1 is reset to 0. Same idea with all the other decks, just jumping to different values. If you're just doing A>B and B>A, you can get away with simple modifier logic, but I'd still use at least two buttons.
Any way you could post a baby mapping for this? I get that I'd have to choose new buttons. I just can't seem to get it right on my own haha.
Kai Escovedo
@Zac Kyoti

Thanks for that. I will give it a bash, might take a little while to get my head around it, but thanks anyway
Reece Murray
I needed this function so I built it into my tsi. Deck duplicate is the way to go - you could build it so many different ways, it just depends on how you want to work. My shift button acts so that when I hit it, my navigation cross turns into deck to/from selects. So if I wanted to copy A to B, i'd hit shift, press the A deck, then the B deck, presto, done. It's good for going any direction too, A to C, D to B, C to D, whatever. Requires a bunch of modifiers though. I managed to do it all within one modifier number though, just switching between values: Like shift makes M1=1. If M1=1 then pressing A makes M1=2. If M1=2 and B is pressed, deck copies from A to B, and M1 is reset to 0. Same idea with all the other decks, just jumping to different values. If you're just doing A>B and B>A, you can get away with simple modifier logic, but I'd still use at least two buttons.
Kai Escovedo
I use both hands all the time, but my right on right deck is better for scratching, cutting and chirps, while my left hand on the left deck is better for transforming, flares and so on.
So to be able to switch the decks would be great until I have mastered both hands on both sides. I just believe it would be a neat feature and it does not matter if anyone has not asked for it. I have been DJing Hip Hop since 85, so now you have got someone with credible experience asking for it, even if I am the first one. Thanks for all your help though guys, I really appreciate you taking the time to reply.
Marshall Aby
Plus you're stunting your development if you're gonna swap to your favoured hand all the time.
Tatum Ansaldo
Originally Posted by djmodular
I can't believe this is not a standard feature for the scratch DJ side of things.
I don't see why it would be a standard feature. As I said, I've never seen anyone ask for it before, and neither have I seen vinyl scratch DJs swap their records over instantly (though that would be damn impressive )
Kai Escovedo
Originally Posted by fullenglishpint
it was just an idea, I don't know whether or not it's possible in practice. Might be sending one command first so you end up with 2 copies of the same track, then the second command won't work.
Yeah that is what is happening. I can't believe this is not a standard feature for the scratch DJ side of things.

If anyone has any other ideas I would love to know.
Tatum Ansaldo
it was just an idea, I don't know whether or not it's possible in practice. Might be sending one command first so you end up with 2 copies of the same track, then the second command won't work.
Nedra Fresneda
Originally Posted by djmodular
You mean deck duplicate right? I assigned a button to duplicate A/B and B/A as two seperat in functions assigned to the same button, however it only duplicates one deck. Do i need a modifier or is there something else I am missing? Has anyone got a screenshot of how to set this up?
you might need a third deck to do this. don't forget to match EQs when swapping
Kai Escovedo
You mean deck duplicate right? I assigned a button to duplicate A/B and B/A as two seperat in functions assigned to the same button, however it only duplicates one deck. Do i need a modifier or is there something else I am missing? Has anyone got a screenshot of how to set this up?
Thomas Libal
In internal mixing-mode, this is easy: Copy Deck should fit exactly your need. Track should be playing as it's copied. If you use the crossfader, make sure to assign the appropriate value to the superbutton as well. Transitioning FX will be though thou, as will the whole idea if you mix externally. Then you'd have to switch decks and crossfade seamlessly to get a unnoticeable transition.
Marshall Aby
Yeah, what happens if you use the existing deck copy function?
Kai Escovedo
Originally Posted by fullenglishpint
Since no one's ever asked for it before, I'm not sure you would

you might be able to map something, I believe there's a command to copy deck a to b or vice versa so maybe if you map that both ways round to the same button it might work.
Ummm I will have a look into that. Maybe that could be the trick. Thanks
Tatum Ansaldo
Originally Posted by djmodular
You would believe that Traktor would have a switch button feature.
Since no one's ever asked for it before, I'm not sure you would

you might be able to map something, I believe there's a command to copy deck a to b or vice versa so maybe if you map that both ways round to the same button it might work.
Kai Escovedo
I know about reversing the crossfader, but that still does not achieve what I am after. To be able to assign a button to flip decks while keeping the beat on the flipped decks seamlessly going is what I want. I believe NI should add thsi feature. As we are now in software world this should not be a problem.
Teresia Janusch
reverse ur xfader and reach over
Shelia Salzsieder
I'd also like to know this as I want a 3rd deck that I can seamlessly 'switch' to deck A or B

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