Creating white noise sweeps with Massive/Maschine 2.0

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Creating white noise sweeps with Massive/Maschine 2.0
Posted on: 11.12.2013 by Johnsie Kingrea

Hey everybody, made this video when Maschine 2.0 launched so forgive the dated intro haha. This will show you how you can use Maschine and Massive to create your own white noise sweeps for your sets, and to transition up or down in tempo. Forgive the transitions at the end if they're not your thing, it was 4 AM and my creative tank was empty.

Let me know if you have any questions or if you need additional details, i'd love to help.
Johnsie Kingrea

Hey everybody, made this video when Maschine 2.0 launched so forgive the dated intro haha. This will show you how you can use Maschine and Massive to create your own white noise sweeps for your sets, and to transition up or down in tempo. Forgive the transitions at the end if they're not your thing, it was 4 AM and my creative tank was empty.

Let me know if you have any questions or if you need additional details, i'd love to help.
Hipolito Scionti
Real nice man !! Props

Now to get a maschine

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