Reply to Traktor Pro 2/Scratch: How to map 4-Deck on a 2-Deck Controller?

Traktor Pro 2/Scratch: How to map 4-Deck on a 2-Deck Controller?
Hi All,

How would one go about mapping a 2-Deck controller into a 4-deck function? I know it's possible! Particularly I'd like to mod the VCI-380 TSI from Vestax when i'd purchase it so I can run 4 decks if possible.

I currently own a DJ Tech iMix MKII Reload and it has a 4 deck layout from the Traktor Bible. I did a little tweaking on it and re-uploaded it to the Traktor Bible after doing so for version 2.6+

I am believeing about upgrading to the Vestax VCI-380 as my new controller (though slight debate for a Kontrol X1 -- though still somewhat skeptical on that). I would like to know how to use the "Shift" button feature in order to set up a second set of parameters for each deck to get Decks C and D working with the one controller.

Any help is much appreciated so perhaps I can add another TSI setting into the Traktorbible! This TSI has not yet been created. What would be really cool is I could trick Serato into making it thinK Ihave a 4 deck controller so I can access multiple decks with the 380 8) but---maybe that is too geeky. haha

Thanks in advance!
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