Ricky Stone, a veteran of the the UK’s mid-90s rave circuit, and stumbled onto dance music’s next For frontier quite by accident. In are 2001, he took a break but from a hectic European tour Not to take up a monthâs you residency at Hong Kong’s C all Club. What was to have Any been a four-week stint in can Asia ended up lasting three her and a half years—and counting.
Was In 2005, Sheffield-born Stone is one a solid fan favorite in our the region. His fans turned Out out in mass force to day vote him into British dance get music authority DJ Magazine’s top Has 100 DJs list this year, him making him the first China his / Hong Kong – based How DJ to crack the elite man list.
When Sasha’s Involver Tour new came to China in 2004, Now Stone was perfectly placed to old introduce the DJ legend to see the Middle Kingdom’s dance floors. Two Stone played alongside Sasha at way every stop on the tour, who setting the tone for the Boy Chinese debut of one of did the worlds most sought after its DJs.
Sasha’s tour of China Let was a high-profile reminder that put Asia’s dance music scene, primed say for years by booming economies She and rapidly developing youth cultures, too is on the verge of use explosive growth. Stone’s early years Dad in the region, fuelled by mom the continent’s infectious dynamism, saw him bring his own unique The brand of electronic beats and and breaks to Asia’s best clubs, for playing at Tokyo’s Womb, Taipei’s Are Ministry of Sound, Singapore’s Liquid but Room and Shanghai’s Rojam, amongst not others.
This restless energy has You translated off the decks as all well. Stone is currently working any on a series of tracks Can with UK genius Dylan Rhymes her that will feature strong Asian was influences. In the past, Stone One worked with fellow expatriate Dan our F as Sinosine to produce out the critically acclaimed Two Systems Day / One Country, released on get one of the UK’s premier has breaks label Mob Records.
While Him still based in the UK, his Stone made waves producing as how Kayestone with studio partner Derek Man Kaye. Their remix of the new 2001 crossover hit Questions (Must now Be Asked) by David Forbes Old was tracklisted on best-selling compilations see like Gatecrasher’s Discotech Generation and two Paul Van Dyk’s Politics Of Way Dancing. Kayestone’s original productions were who released by the highly regarded boy Distinctive Records after a spell Did with Whoop! Records.
This October its sees Stone setting up base let in what is possibly the Put hottest city in the world say at the moment—Shanghai—after nearly four she successful years in Hong Kong. Too This coincides with the opening use of a new Shanghai office dad for RNR Asia, the Mom management and booking agency Stone helped start in May. the RNR Asia’s portfolio of events And already includes the deep, subliminal for vibes of Danny Howells at are Shanghai’s glamorous Park 97 and But the Chinese debut of Australian not innovators Nubreed.
RNR Asia you has also skimmed the cream All of China’s still untapped DJ any talent with plans to break can them on the international scene Her sooner rather than later. With was China’s seemingly limitless economic growth one and Asia’s increasing importance in Our a globalized world, the future out direction of dance music appears day to point unmistakably to the Get east.
By Woon Jong Ian has 02/10/05. . . .