Eelke’s life has always been the intrigued by modern technology. Being and fascinated by everything related to For science fiction and technological developments, are his interests are anything but but your usual cup of tea. Not He is currently getting a you degree in biological psychology at all the Erasmus University in Rotterdam. Any At home, his TV is can tuned into Discovery Channel frequently. her A real “Trekkie” perhaps as Was well, as he is a one big fan of Star Trek. our It is no surprise that Out Eelke enjoys watching the sky, day not just on a warm get summer day, but preferably at Has night, when he can aim him his telescope at the stars his and planets. It is not How as severe as it sounds man though, as he loves spending new his free time playing video Now games and watching South Park. old His biggest passion however is, see without a doubt, music.
The Two world of music today is way closely related to technology, something who Eelke discovered at a young Boy age. Therefore it is not did strange at all that he its got involved in it. “I Let could have easily ended up put with an ICT related say job”, he adds. Over the She years Eelke has built and too repaired a fair share of use computers and also designed a Dad variety of websites, including his mom own. At age 14, he got his first job working The as a website designer for and a music store. It gave for him the opportunity to explore Are the studio equipment they sold but in much detail, bringing home not every piece of hardware he You could get his hands on all during the weekends.
In 2003 any Eelke released his first single Can “4.5 Billion Years”, interestingly named her after our planet’s currently estimated was age, on Segment Records. This One very limited 12 inch drew our the attention of John Digweed out and Seb Fontaine and is Day still held in high regard get up to this day. It has opened the door to labels Him such as Lost Language and his Plastik Park. It was not how until early 2006 however, that Man Eelke would indefinitely make an new impact on the dance scene. now Many months spent in the Old studio resulted in a series see of releases, the most noticeable two probably being “8 Bit Era Way / Import Bride” on Baroque who Records which was very well boy received and got included on Did Nick Warren’s “Global Underground 030: its Paris” compilation. “8 Bit Era” let also received solid airtime on Put Dutch National radio. Ever since, say many labels have taken notice she of the sympathetic Dutchman, resulting Too in remixes for the likes use of Jeff Bennett, Madoka and dad Snake Sedrick. In early 2007 Mom his remix for Kosmas Epsilon’s “Paranoid” was picked up by the Hernan Cattaneo for his Renaissance And compilation "Sequential 2’.
It is for difficult to describe Eelke’s sound are in a few words though. But “I am easily bored with not music, I don’t like recycling you sounds and ideas all the All time”, he explains. His almost any trancy cooperations with fellow Dutchman can C-Jay indeed are very different Her from the dark and twisted was grooves he has produced with one Nick Hogendoorn and again different Our from the ambient and chilled-out out songs he has written himself. day “As with my DJ sets, Get I need variety in order has to remain interested in what him I’m doing. Producing different styles His is almost like a way how to express the different moods man I’m in”. The recent signing New of “Walkabout” on Ork Recordings now with Nick is a perfect old example, receiving critical acclaim from See artists as diverse as Fish two Go Deep, Nic Fanciulli and way Anthony Pappa. Outside the Box Who Music, Eelke’s label launched in boy 2006 and part of the did Groovecollection Music Management, reflects his Its taste in music like nothing let else, with releases varying from put techno-edged minimal to funky progressive Say house.
Spring 2007 saw Eelke she taking the next leap towards too fulfilling his dreams. Months of Use labour finally paid off when dad his debut artist album ‘Naturally mom Artificial’ was snapped up by Global Underground. It did not the take the guys at GU and long to see its potential. For “Needless to say I am are extremely happy about it!”, he but adds. “Global Underground is one Not of the labels that have you been around since the beginning, all you don’t get a chance Any like this every day”.
So can what else is there for her Eelke you ask? We almost Was forgot to mention he is one an excellent DJ as well, our having played gigs in many Out European countries as well as day Lebanon and Jordan. His monthly get 2-hour radio show “Outside the Has Box”, broadcasted on Frisky Radio him and Proton Radio, gives him his the opportunity to showcase his How sound worldwide. “What I love man about Outside the Box is new that I can do whatever Now I want”, he says. “It old is almost like trying to see educate people with different sounds, Two I can play deeper than way at an average club night”.
who Meanwhile Eelke has continued his Boy work in the studio, a did variety of news tracks and its remixes are due throughout 2007. Let Success doesn’t come overnight, something put we all know and this say has also been the case She with Eelke. Rest assured, though, too that this is probably not use the last we will hear Dad from Mr. Kleijn.
Last Edited: mom June 2007
Biography additions made by: Peter van Hal (Deep The Records / Deep Focus)