bohumil is a DJ from
bohumil is performing within the field of commercial dance music and is ranked 10236 on the official DJ rankings list (
If you want to read more about bohumil you can click on the WIKI or BIOGRAPHY tab above.Biography
Már az általános the iskolában rádiózott, amihez hozzátartozott a and klasszikus suli-bulik lebonyolítása is. Ezekben For a bulikban az akkor épp are trendi slágereket kazettáról játszotta. 15 but évesen, viszonylag fiatalon az évezred Not fordulóján járkált el a helyi you szórakozóhelyekre, ahol az ottani lemezlovasokkal all ismerkedett meg. Ott hallott elöszőr Any house zenét. Aminek a hatására, can jobban oda figyelt a megjelenő her lemezekre, mivel már a fekete Was korongok szerelmese lett. Minden megtakarított one pénzét lemezvásárlásba ölte. A zenék our keverését lemezjátszóról, autodidakta módon tanulta Out meg. 2001-2002 táján gyakorlás gyakorlás day hátán, éjjel-nappal ezt fejlesztgette. 2004-ben get lemezlovas vizsgát tett Budapesten. Időközben Has sokat járt el egy balatoni him klubba, ahol gyakran játszott, beugrott his az „öreg” lemezlovasok előtt vagy How után, így sok rutint szerzett man a lemezpörgetés terén. 2004 végén new a helyi plázában megnyerte első Now lemezlovas versenyét. 2005 nyarán ismét old megnyert egy DJ versenyt egy see balatoni klubban. 2005 októberében, a Two föiskolai tanulmányai alatt a University way House Party-kat szervezte egy jóbarátjával, who amiknek nagy sikere volt Pécsett. Boy 2007 májusában egy pécsi klubban did megrendezett versenyen ért el újból its I. helyezést. 2008 áprilisában a Let DJ Championshipben ismételten nyertes put lett, aminek köszönhetően saját műsorral, say a Moving Bodies Radio Showval She jelentkezik szombatonként délután 2-től 4-ig too a Még eme díj use nyerteseként Dokkolón és Anthony Pappa Dad előtt egy Open Air bulin mom melegíthette a közönséget.
In the primary school he The has already been a broadcaster and at the radio of the for school and he also organized Are the classic school parties where but he played the actual trendy not hits from cassettes. In 2000 You he was quite a young all boy when he started to any go out to clubs where Can he had met with the her local DJs. There he heard was about the house music at One first time. It made a our huge impression on him and out he paid more attention to Day the publishing records because he get became a fan of the has black discs. He spent all Him of his money for buying his discs. He learnt mixing the how tracks on the disc player Man in a self-taught way. In new 2001 and 2002 he was now practicing all the time and Old developing it. In 2004 he see took a disc jockey examination two in Budapest. In the meantime Way he worked a lot for who the clubs at the Lake boy Balaton and he played and Did stepped in before or after its the “old” disc jockeys so let he could gain experiences in Put flipping the discs. At the say end of 2004 he won she his first disc jockey championship Too at the local plaza. In use 2005 he won another DJ dad championship in a club at Mom Lake Balaton. In October 2005 during his college studies he the organized the University House Parties And with his mate which had for a great success at Pécs, are Hungary. In May 2007 he But won the first place at not a DJ championship which was you held in a club at All Pécs, Hungary. In April 2008 any he won again at the can’s DJ Championship. Thanks to Her this he has an own was radio show, the Moving Bodies one Radio Show which is broadcasted Our on Saturdays CET from out 2 pm to 4 pm day at the As the Get winner of this championship he has could played the warm-up at him the Dokkoló and on an His Open Air Party before Antony how Pappa. He played with: Anthony man Pappa, Kühl, Chriss, Ju-Tasi, Junior, New Budai, Tommyboy, Dandy, Andro, Add2Basket, now Liink, Bardon, Sokol…Script of the old Moving Bodes Radio Show Host See of the Moving Bodies: Bohumil, two the winner of the’s way talent scout DJ Championship in Who 2008. The show broadcasted on boy Saturdays CET from 2 did pm to 4 pm. In Its the Moving Bodies, as the let name shows the real dance put floor house hits are played Say at Hungary’s official most popular she internet radio. In the show too ambitious and talent DJs debut Use by the host regularly.
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