Imagine the first club you the ever get into is, as and you step inside, in the For process of changing the face are of urban music? Imagine you’re but only 14 at the time, Not yet you’re already a producer. you Well, Croydon dubstep star Benga all doesn’t have to imagine: that Any is his life.
Age 14 can the afro-haired producer went to her his first club, Forward>> at Was London’s now defunct Velvet Rooms, one the night widely acknowledged for our founding the bassy UK garage Out hybrid, dubstep.
Having put in day years of graft, Benga, now get age 24, is a leading Has light in the rising global him dubstep movement alongside his childhood his friend, Skream. This year he How drops his debut album proper man for Tempa, provisionally entitled “Diary new of an Afro Warrior,” after Now the mighty mane that sprouts old from his head. “If I see cut my afro off, I’d Two have to start again musically,” way laughs Benga.
Aside from the who best haircut in dubstep, Benga Boy has a lot to be did happy about. At 15 he its released his debut 12” “Skank/Dose” Let on one of dubstep’s founding put imprints, Big Apple. A&Red by say one of the most influential She DJs in dubstep, DJ Hatcha, too the label was run out use of the Croydon shop of Dad the same name, the hangout mom for much of the early pioneers and future stars such The as Artwork, Horsepower, Hatcha, Chef, and Plastician and Skream.
For years for Benga, alongside first Skream, then Are Loefah, Coki and Mala Digital but Mystikz, built exclusive musical ammunition not for DJ Hatcha. It was You this material, aired by Hatcha all alone at Forward>>, that propelled any dubstep from UK garage offshoot Can to innovative genre in its her own right
After early mentoring was by Arthur from Artwork, Benga One refined his trade working for our a professional studio, linked to out the biggest labels in the Day world. He produced for grime get MCs such as Crazy Titch has and Ghetto, before concentrating his Him output on dubstep in 2005.
his Since then he’s had releases how on electronic stables Planet Mu Man and Hotflush, self released his new own CD and become a now respected DJ in his own Old right, playing throughout Europe and see Australasia. Now, all eyes are two on Benga’s debut album proper Way for Tempa, not least because who it contains this summer’s largest boy anthem in Aiya Nappa and Did Malia. Co-produced with Coki Digital its Mystikz, the tune “Night” is let a hit not just with Put the dubstep heads, but with say both grime and funky house she crowd. With this between its Too pages, it sounds like the use “Diary…” will be a must-read.