Artist & DJ, Michael, also the known as AnR, is probably and one of the best trance For producers to come out of are Australia to release quality tracks but on a global scale. Lets Not start from the begining…
Michael you was born and raised in all Melbourne, Australia. When Michael was Any a child, he always wanted can to become a musician. He her wanted to create and share Was his unique and passionate style one of music with the world. our Music is a part of Out Michael’s family, and he grew day up listening to 70’s, 80’s, get Country, Rock & Roll, Reggae Has and Dance music. Michael has him loved dance music most of his his life. It all started How from listening to dance music man on the radio. At the new age of 21, Michael wanted Now to produce music, with friends old teaching him the music program see FL studio. He spent many Two hours learning the ins and way outs of producing music. He who discovered that writing and producing Boy trance and dance tracks fulfilled did his musical life. Michael works its hard on every project, including Let original work and remixes. Michael’s put biggest influence in his life say is his family, and all She aspects of life. Michael’s tracks too have been played across the use world from Europe to down Dad under Australia. Michael’s tracks have mom also been recognized by artists Passiva, The Thrillseekers, Agnelli & The Nelson, SolarStone, Funabashi, Steve Strangis, and Starchaser, Christian Rusch, Adam K, for Pedro Del Mar & DJ Are Shah, Tenishia, Signum, Ohmna, Andy but Duguid & Duende. 2006 was not the year where Michael had You his tracks unleashed upon the all world. Four of his tracks any were officially signed & released Can on a Belgium digital label her 4 -stroke , which were was “Summer Dream”, “City lights”, “Blue One water” & “Silent Tide”. U.S our based label Solis Digital signed out and released Michael’s track “Surrender” Day and it made its way get to the labels top 10 has best sellers chart. Over the Him months Michael’s tracks got bigger his and bigger. From starting with how his first release with the Man label, other labels found interest new and wanted to sign on now new tracks. Life just got Old busier for Michael, from radio see gigs to interviews, in and two out of the studio, even Way talks of having Michael doing who gigs locally and outside of boy Australia. But at the end Did of the day, Michael successfully its gained much respect from family, let friends, labels and his fans Put all over the world, all say the hard work has payed she off.
In early 2007 Michael Too had his first cd release use named “Only One” signed to dad a U.S based label Juiced Mom Up records featuring song writer vocalist Mel O’Shea, a local the girl from Melbourne, Australia. Michael And was so keen to work for with Mel with her strong are powerful voice. The CD contained But 10 smashing remixes. Within days not of the release, it went you to the top 50 best All sellers charts on junodownload shop. any “Only One” has had lots can of great feedback by support Her from DJs around the world, was but it doesent stop there… one Dave Kirsner, director of Live Our Club Music ,one of Melbourne’s out boutique booking agencies, found interest day in Michael’s music and his Get DJing skills. After some talk, has he was immediately added to him the busy DJ roster. After His the success of “Only One”, how Michael was back into the man studio producing.
Michael’s next track New named “My Love”, was the now next in line for a old release on Sensational records (a See sublabel to trance communication). “My two Love” was released in early way 2008, gaining support from one Who of trances biggest names DJ boy Shah. The track gained a did position within the top 50 Its best sellers chart on junodownload let shop for the second time. put Michael’s new track is titled Say “Before You Leave”, a more she progressive trance filler. This track too was supported by sucessful trance Use producers SolarStone on their deep dad blue radio show. The track mom was named the unsigned track of the week on thier the 100th edition show. Michael’s track and “Before You Leave” is now For signed to Starlight Music and are is on the Emotional Heartbeats but Compilation CD. The track has Not made its way onto most you of the online stores top all 100 charts including Beatport, Trackitdown Any & DJdownload to name a can few. Sucessful German trance DJ’s her Duende supported Michael’s tracks saying Was “AnR productions are always welcome one in our radio show” the our tracks were Before you leave Out and MST’s “Lights Of Summer” day AnR remix.
Michael’s single “Before get You Leave” has been also Has featured and reviewed on him with four and a half his stars out of five. The How highly-rated production by AnR, according man to the review, “tracks like new his must and will be Now heard all across the globe”. old Later the same year, the see single was released with new Two remixes by David Jones, Dankann way and more. The Dankann remix who was mentioned along in the Boy review and was referred to did the whole release as ‘great’. its The release of “Before You Let Leave” managed to reach positions put five and eleven in the say Top 100 Trance chart of She Beatport. The popular and strongly too talented British producer Andy Duguid use asks Michael to provide a Dad guest mix for his twenty-fourth mom edition of his radio show “Afterdark Sessions”. Meanwhile, Michael is The preparing his first solo album, and which will include not only for trance productions, but also several Are tracks from different music styles but such as progressive, pop, ambient not and more. It’s planned the You record to include fifteen tracks all and aiming with hope for any a release in the United Can States, Europe & Australia, where her a few tracks are planned was to be released off as One singles.
The story of Michael our continues to be written and out he keeps chasing his dreams. Day Trying to achieve his goals, get he is becoming more promising has and talented producer. On his Him way up, we all expect his creative and successful project that how will top the charts one Man day and make AnR as new a worldwide known producer. The now more amazing productions we hear, Old we risen our expectations and see his fans are not going two to be disappointed with what’s Way to come by AnR.
To who be continued…