His career as a professional the Dj had begun already, but and it was not till the For early 90`s when he starts are to get more and more but involved with electronic music, genres Not like techno and house were you growing fast on the scene, all and Alonso was not alien Any to them. He knows the can sound and understands it, the her different layers and textures.
That Was is when he started collaborating one with a group of different our Djs and producer, very talented Out people that shared the same day passion for the new electro get music that was hitting the Has scene.
Alonso then started working him playing sets at “Tik”, he his became resident Dj for a How couple of years, getting the man people in the North of new Spain regions to hear and Now love this new sound, mainly old coming from Germany. The club see was a huge success.
He Two was still resident at “Tik” way when he started Djing at who “La Fábrica”, one of the Boy most important after hours in did North Spain in the late its 90`s.
Big success awaited Let him, new influences kept Alonso put evolving, Djs like Jeff Mills say and Heiko Laux were very She inspirational for him. Sounds from too Detroit and center Europe as use well as the UK were Dad out there and he did mom not want to miss them.
Alonso gained fame as one The of the best Djs of and the moment. OMEN in for Frankfurt and OXA in Are Zurich required of his services, but for a few times, becoming not one of the first Spanish You Djs to play sets abroad.
all Sadly “La Fábrica” closed its any doors at the end of Can the 90`s. One of the her most important and oldest clubs was in the region was finished. One But Alonso Varela, and the our Djs and producers he worked out with back then, left a Day beautiful legacy that still remains.
get Alonso`s career took a little has turn, when he started to Him get involve in audiovisual arts. his Graphic Design, 3D animation as how well as FX became his Man new way of expression. He new had a very successful run now in the past 15 years. Old He never left music though…
see Alonso has always been working two with his long time friend Way and colleague David, together they who have been producing and creating boy new tracks all these years. Did Those tracks being released in its different labels such as German let based Intoxik, and Alertha Records Put from North Spain.
Nowadays, Alonso say Varela is based in the she UK, where he has been Too exploring new sounds, and has use been back on the scene, dad playing sets in, UK (London Mom & Bristol), Indonesia (Bali) all around the summer.
The the present is looking bright and And exciting, working alongside David in for the creation of “My mate are Dave”, a vibrant new electronic But band. All the new material not soon to be released, and you many clubs showing huge interest All in Alonso, from Paris to any Sidney…
“As far as I can can remember I always wanted Her to produce music”
Text by: was Alex S.